1. The heart recalled a memory
Of exotic women,
١. ذَكَرَ القَلبُ ذُكرَةً
مِن نِساءٍ غَرائِبِ
2. Graceful with their purses,
In the alleys of the market.
٢. خُدَلِ السوقِ رُجَّحٍ
ناعِماتِ الحَقائِبِ
3. Many a frivolity they committed
With maidens nearby,
٣. رُبَّ لَهوٍ لَهَوتُهُ
بِجِوارٍ رَبائِبِ
4. Nothing forbidden in that
By the God of the West.
٤. لَيسَ في ذاكَ مَحرَمٌ
وَإِلَهِ المَغارِبِ
5. Except that we end conversations
With hurtful reproaches,
٥. غَيرَ أَنّا نَشفي الصُدو
رَ بِذَروِ التَعاتُبِ
6. When I met her I said
Hello to the aloof one!
٦. قُلتُ لَمّا لَقيتُها
مَرحَباً بِالمُجانِبِ
7. God has blessed us with love
Between the intimate and reproacher.
٧. أَنعَمَ اللَهُ بِالحَبي
بِ القَريبِ المُعاتِبِ
8. You are more delicious to me
Than the clouds' rain.
٨. أَنتِ أَشهى إِلَيَّ مِن
صَوبِ مُزنِ السَحائِبِ
9. You are just a gazelle
Of a noble tribe,
٩. إِنَّما أَنتِ ظَبيَةٌ
مِن إِكامٍ عَشائِبِ
10. Or a crescent that appeared
Amidst the stars' flowers.
١٠. أَو هِلالٌ بَدا لَنا
وَسطَ زُهرِ الكَواكِبِ
11. I wish I were your student
So I would not have to seek you out,
١١. لَيتَ لي مِن طِلابِكُم
أَنَّني لَم أُطالَبِ
12. If only I could be with you
Without needing to watch ourselves.
١٢. خُلَّتي لَو بِكُم كَما
بي إِذاً لَم نُراقِبِ
13. We spurn those who deceived you
With the words of liars.
١٣. في هَوانا مَن غَشَّكُم
بِحَديثِ الكَواذِبِ