
O you who reproached me and decided to abandon me

أيها العاتب الذي رام هجري

1. O you who reproached me and decided to abandon me
And began to shun me with your estrangement

١. أَيُّها العاتِبُ الَّذي رامَ هَجري
وَاِبتَداني بِهَجرِهِ وَالتَجَنّي

2. Did you come to me with knowledge or just suspicion?
May God prolong your life, whether clear-headed or doubtful

٢. أَبِعِلمٍ أَتَيتَ ما جِئتَ مِنّي
عَمرَكَ اللَهَ سادِراً أَم بِظَنِّ

3. Even if what was presented to us
Had come from someone other than you, it would not have disturbed me

٣. وَلَوَ اِنَّ الَّذي عَرَضتَ عَلَينا
كانَ مِن عِندِ غَيرِكُم لَم يَرُعني

4. You were my greatest desire, and seeing you was eternity
So rest your eye on that, and be assured

٤. أَنتِ كُنتِ المُنى وَرُؤيَتُكِ الخُلدُ
فَقَري عَيناً بِهِ وَاِطمَئِنّي

5. And know that this is the truth of the matter
A destiny granted to you by God from me

٥. وَاِعلَمي أَنَّ ذا مِنَ الأَمرِ حَقٌّ
قِسمَةٌ حازَها لَكِ اللَهُ مِنّي

6. For you have attained a place in my heart
That, had you wished, would be more than you could wish for

٦. فَلَقَد نِلتِ مِن فُؤادي مَحَلّاً
لَو تَمَنَّيتِ زادَ فَوقَ التَمَنّي