
From the people of ease are you departing so early

أمن آل نعم أنت غاد فمبكر

1. From the people of ease are you departing so early
Tomorrow morning or a traveler so you hasten

١. أَمِن آلِ نُعمٍ أَنتَ غادٍ فَمُبكِرُ
غَداةَ غَدٍ أَم رائِحٌ فَمُهَجِّرُ

2. For a soul's need, its answer you didn't state
So you'd make an excuse and the talk excuses

٢. لِحاجَةِ نَفسٍ لَم تَقُل في جَوابِها
فَتُبلِغَ عُذراً وَالمَقالَةُ تُعذِرُ

3. You rave for ease; neither has union gathered
Nor is the rope connected, nor the heart neglectful

٣. تَهيمُ إِلى نُعمٍ فَلا الشَملُ جامِعٌ
وَلا الحَبلُ مَوصولٌ وَلا القَلبُ مُقصِرُ

4. Neither is being near ease useful if it draws close to you
Nor does its remoteness console you or are you patient

٤. وَلا قُربُ نُعمٍ إِن دَنَت لكَ نافِعٌ
وَلا نَأيُها يُسلي وَلا أَنتَ تَصبِرُ

5. And another came without ease and the like of it
The prohibition if you heed or think

٥. وَأُخرى أَتَت مِن دونِ نُعمٍ وَمِثلُها
نَهى ذا النُهى لَو تَرعَوي أَو تُفَكِّرُ

6. When I visit ease he's not ceased to be a relative
Whenever I meet him, he scowls

٦. إِذا زُرتُ نُعماً لَم يَزَل ذو قَرابَةٍ
لَها كُلَّما لاقَيتُها يَتَنَمَّرُ

7. Dear to him that I reside at her abode
He makes hostility pleasant to me and hatred prominent

٧. عَزيزٌ عَلَيهِ أَن أُلِمَّ بِبَيتِها
يُسِرُّ لِيَ الشَحناءَ وَالبُغضُ مُظهَرُ

8. Mention me to her in greeting, though he
Announces my frequency with her and denies

٨. أَلِكني إِلَيها بِالسَلامِ فَإِنَّهُ
يُشَهَّرُ إِلمامي بِها وَيُنَكَّرُ

9. By the sign of what she said the morning I met her
At the cusp of furrows, "Is this the frequenter?"

٩. بِآيَةِ ما قالَت غَداةَ لَقيتُها
بِمَدفَعِ أَكنانٍ أَهَذا المُشَهَّرُ

10. "Stand and look, Asma. Do you recognize him?
Is this the Mughayri whom we mentioned?"

١٠. قِفي فَاِنظُري أَسماءُ هَل تَعرِفينَهُ
أَهَذا المُغيريُّ الَّذي كانَ يُذكَرُ

11. "Is this he whom you described and I was not
By your life, I forgot him until I'm buried."

١١. أَهَذا الَّذي أَطرَيتِ نَعتاً فَلَم أَكُن
وَعَيشِكِ أَنساهُ إِلى يَومِ أُقبَرُ

12. She said "Yes, no doubt. Travel has changed his color.
The nights' wakefulness rejuvenated his vigor and estrangement."

١٢. فَقالَت نَعَم لا شَكَّ غَيَّرَ لَونَهُ
سُرى اللَيلِ يُحيِي نَصَّهُ وَالتَهَجُّرُ

13. "If it's him, after us it's changed him
From the pact, and man can change."

١٣. لَئِن كانَ إِيّاهُ لَقَد حالَ بَعدَنا
عَنِ العَهدِ وَالإِنسانُ قَد يَتَغَيَّرُ

14. She saw a man, but when the sun rises on him
He's radiant. And at night he's slender.

١٤. رَأَت رَجُلاً أَمّا إِذا الشَمسُ عارَضَت
فَيَضحى وَأَمّا بِالعَشيِّ فَيَخصَرُ

15. The brother of travel, answering the land which tossed him,
So exiles, he's disheveled, dusty.

١٥. أَخا سَفَرٍ جَوّابَ أَرضٍ تَقاذَفَت
بِهِ فَلَواتٌ فَهوَ أَشعَثُ أَغبَرُ

16. Little, by his riding beast, is his shadow
Except what his reddened cloak denied from him.

١٦. قَليلاً عَلى ظَهرِ المَطِيَّةِ ظِلُّهُ
سِوى ما نَفى عَنهُ الرِداءُ المُحَبَّرُ

17. And I was astonished by her life, the shadow of a room
And sprouting greenery, winding gardens, green.

١٧. وَأَعجَبَها مِن عَيشِها ظِلُّ غُرفَةٍ
وَرَيّانُ مُلتَفُّ الحَدائِقِ أَخضَرُ

18. And a satisfying guardian who spared her everything she cared for
So for nothing else would she stay up nights.

١٨. وَوالٍ كَفاها كُلَّ شَيءٍ يَهُمُّها
فَلَيسَت لِشَيءٍ آخِرَ اللَيلِ تَسهَرُ

19. And the night of cycles, fright gripped me.
Fright can grip a lover, a deceiver.

١٩. وَلَيلَةَ ذي دَورانَ جَشَّمتِني السُرى
وَقَد يَجشَمُ الهَولَ المُحِبُّ المُغَرِّرُ

20. So I stayed up watching over the comrades nearby
I'm wary of them, of whoever goes around, I watch

٢٠. فَبِتُّ رَقيباً لِلرِفاقِ عَلى شَفا
أُحاذِرُ مِنهُم مَن يَطوفُ وَأَنظُرُ

21. When sleep takes hold of them and the sitting disperses
Were it not for dim light, it would be impassable.

٢١. إِلَيهِم مَتى يَستَمكِنُ النَومُ مِنهُمُ
وَلى مَجلِسٌ لَولا اللُبانَةُ أَوعَرُ

22. And my belonings stayed in the wilderness while its luggage
For a night visitor or whoever came, lost.

٢٢. وَباتَت قَلوصي بِالعَراءِ وَرَحلُها
لِطارِقِ لَيلٍ أَو لِمَن جاءَ مُعوِرُ

23. And I stayed addressing my soul "Where does it hide
And how can I acquire it from the matter?"

٢٣. وَبِتُّ أُناجي النَفسَ أَينَ خِباؤُها
وَكَيفَ لِما آتي مِنَ الأَمرِ مَصدَرُ

24. So my heart guided me. I knew it.
It and the soul's passion which almost appeared.

٢٤. فَدَلَّ عَلَيها القَلبُ رَيّا عَرَفتُها
لَها وَهَوى النَفسِ الَّذي كادَ يَظهَرُ

25. So when I lost their voices and their lamps
Were extinguished, lit for dinner and bright.

٢٥. فَلَمّا فَقَدتُ الصَوتَ مِنهُم وَأُطفِئَت
مَصابيحُ شُبَّت في العِشاءِ وَأَنوُرُ

26. And the Pleiades I hoped for their disappearance vanished
And the shepherd slept and the conversationalist.

٢٦. وَغابَ قُمَيرٌ كُنتُ أَرجو غُيوبَهُ
وَرَوَّحَ رُعيانُ وَنَوَّمَ سُمَّرُ

27. And sleep lowered from me. I went confidently
In the beloved's walk while my focus is fear of the living, I visit.

٢٧. وَخُفِّضَ عَنّي النَومُ أَقبَلتُ مِشيَةَ ال
حُبابِ وَرُكني خَشيَةَ الحَيِّ أَزوَرُ

28. So when I surprised her, she turned away
And almost with lowered greeting she raised her voice.

٢٨. فَحَيَّيتُ إِذ فاجَأتُها فَتَوَلَّهَت
وَكادَت بِمَخفوضِ التَحِيَّةِ تَجهَرُ

29. And she said, biting her lip, embarrassing me,
"And you are a man of ease. Is your matter difficult?"

٢٩. وَقالَت وَعَضَّت بِالبَنانِ فَضَحتَني
وَأَنتَ اِمرُؤٌ مَيسورُ أَمرِكَ أَعسَرُ

30. "Did you think when you're here it pained you?
You feared and around me are your enemies present?"

٣٠. أَرَيتَكَ إِذ هُنّا عَلَيكَ أَلَم تَخَف
وُقيتَ وَحَولي مِن عَدُوِّكَ حُضَّرُ

31. "By God, I don't know! Do you hasten a need
That drove you? Or did who you feared sleep?"

٣١. فَوَ اللَهِ ما أَدري أَتَعجيلُ حاجَةٍ
سَرَت بِكَ أَم قَد نامَ مَن كُنتَ تَحذَرُ

32. I said to her "Rather, passion and love
Drove me to you and no eye of people looks."

٣٢. فَقُلتُ لَها بَل قادَني الشَوقُ وَالهَوى
إِلَيكِ وَما عَينٌ مِنَ الناسِ تَنظُرُ

33. She said, and her fright subsided and her alarm calmed
"Not so! May your Lord, the Great, protect you!"

٣٣. فَقالَت وَقَد لانَت وَأَفرَخَ رَوعُها
كَلاكَ بِحِفظٍ رَبُّكَ المُتَكَبِّرُ

34. "You are Abu Bakr, not defending me.
The commander, I did not stay plotting."

٣٤. فَأَنتَ أَبا الخَطّابِ غَيرُ مُدافَعٍ
عَلَيَّ أَميرٌ ما مَكُثتُ مُؤَمَّرُ

35. So I stayed, sated, given my need.
I kiss her mouth privately so I repeat.

٣٥. فَبِتُّ قَريرَ العَينِ أُعطيتُ حاجَتي
أُقَبِّلُ فاها في الخَلاءِ فَأُكثِرُ

36. Oh, what a night whose length was short
And Layla's night before that did not shorten.

٣٦. فَيا لَكَ مِن لَيلٍ تَقاصَرَ طولُهُ
وَما كانَ لَيلى قَبلَ ذَلِكَ يَقصُرُ

37. Oh, what an amusement there while our sitting
No spoiler troubled us.

٣٧. وَيا لَكَ مِن مَلهىً هُناكَ وَمَجلِس
لَنا لَم يُكَدِّرهُ عَلَينا مُكَدِّرُ

38. Musk diffuses from her, pierced,
Of delicate edges, setting suns adorned.

٣٨. يَمُجُّ ذَكِيَّ المِسكِ مِنها مُفَلَّجٌ
رَقيقُ الحَواشي ذو غُروبٍ مُؤَشَّرُ

39. You'd see it when it parts from her as if it's
Pebbles of hail or glowing pearls.

٣٩. تَراهُ إِذا تَفتَرُّ عَنهُ كَأَنَّهُ
حَصى بَرَدٍ أَو أُقحُوانٌ مُنَوِّرُ

40. And she glanced at me as the white-eye gazelle glanced
At an ostrich amidst the sand-ridge.

٤٠. وَتَرنو بِعَينَيها إِلَيَّ كَما رَنا
إِلى رَبرَبٍ وَسطَ الخَميلَةِ جُؤذَرُ

41. So when the night finished except its end
And its stars nearly disappeared

٤١. فَلَمّا تَقَضّى اللَيلُ إِلّا أَقَلَّهُ
وَكادَت تَوالي نَجمِهِ تَتَغَوَّرُ

42. She gestured the living's disturbance neared them
A gale, but promise me you'll visit.

٤٢. أَشارَت بِأَنَّ الحَيَّ قَد حانَ مِنهُمُ
هُبوبٌ وَلَكِن مَوعِدٌ مِنكَ عَزوَرُ

43. So I didn't heed except a caller "They traveled!"
And daybreak whitened from the dawn.

٤٣. فَما راعَني إِلّا مُنادٍ تَرَحَّلوا
وَقَد لاحَ مَعروفٌ مِنَ الصُبحِ أَشقَرُ

44. So when she saw who woke of them
And roused them, she said "Order! What do you command?"

٤٤. فَلَمّا رَأَت مَن قَد تَنَبَّهَ مِنهُمُ
وَأَيقاظَهُم قالَت أَشِر كَيفَ تَأمُرُ

45. I said "I'll destroy them. Either I miss them
Or the sword takes revenge so it avenges."

٤٥. فَقُلتُ أُباديهِم فَإِمّا أَفوتُهُم
وَإِمّا يَنالُ السَيفُ ثَأراً فَيَثأَرُ

46. She said "Truly, confirming what the slanderer said of us
And verifying what was rumored?"

٤٦. فَقالَت أَتَحقيقاً لِما قالَ كاشِحٌ
عَلَينا وَتَصديقاً لِما كانَ يُؤثَرُ

47. "If it's inevitable, then another
Way is more hidden and veiled."

٤٧. فَإِن كانَ ما لا بُدَّ مِنهُ فَغَيرُهُ
مِنَ الأَمرِ أَدنى لِلخَفاءِ وَأَستَرُ

48. "I'll tell my sister the beginning of our talk
And it's not for me they know, late."

٤٨. أَقُصُّ عَلى أُختَيَّ بِدءَ حَديثِنا
وَما لِيَ مِن أَن تَعلَما مُتَأَخَّرُ

49. "Maybe they'll find an exit for you
And welcome openly what I was concealing."

٤٩. لَعَلَّهُما أَن تَطلُبا لَكَ مَخرَجاً
وَأَن تَرحُبا صَدراً بِما كُنتُ أَحصُرُ

50. So she stood sadly, no blood in her face
From grief, shedding copious tears.

٥٠. فَقامَت كَئيباً لَيسَ في وَجهِها دَمٌ
مِنَ الحُزنِ تُذري عَبرَةً تَتَحَدَّرُ

51. So two servant girls stood, wearing
Green brocade, Damascene, and green.

٥١. فَقامَت إِلَيها حُرَّتانِ عَلَيهِما
كِساءانِ مِن خَزٍّ دِمَقسٌ وَأَخضَرُ

52. And she told her sister "Help a lad
Who came visiting, and the matter is up to the commander."

٥٢. فَقالَت لِأُختَيها أَعينا عَلى فَتىً
أَتى زائِراً وَالأَمرُ لِلأَمرِ يُقدَرُ

53. So they came, startled, then said
"Lessen blame on you, the matter is easier."

٥٣. فَأَقبَلَتا فَاِرتاعَتا ثُمَّ قالَتا
أَقِلّي عَلَيكِ اللَومَ فَالخَطبُ أَيسَرُ

54. The younger said "I'll give him my veil
And my coat of mail and this fur coat, if he fears."

٥٤. فَقالَت لَها الصُغرى سَأُعطيهِ مِطرَفي
وَدَرعي وَهَذا البُردُ إِن كانَ يَحذَرِ

55. "He'll stand and walk between us in disguise
So our secret won't spread and he won't appear."

٥٥. يَقومُ فَيَمشي بَينَنا مُتَنَكِّراً
فَلا سِرُّنا يَفشو وَلا هُوَ يَظهَرُ

56. So my protection from those I feared
Were three figures: twisting, pressing, squeezing.

٥٦. فَكانَ مِجَنّي دونَ مَن كُنتُ أَتَّقي
ثَلاثُ شُخوصٍ كاعِبانِ وَمُعصِرُ

57. So when we crossed the quarter, they told me
"Do you not fear enemies while the night is bright?"

٥٧. فَلَمّا أَجَزنا ساحَةَ الحَيِّ قُلنَ لي
أَلَم تَتَّقِ الأَعداءَ وَاللَيلُ مُقمِرُ

58. And they said "Is this your way, roaming nights,
Do you not feel shame, reconsider or reflect?"

٥٨. وَقُلنَ أَهَذا دَأبُكَ الدَهرَ سادِراً
أَما تَستَحي أَو تَرعَوي أَو تُفَكِّرُ

59. "When you come, divert your eye from us
So they think passion is where you look."

٥٩. إِذا جِئتِ فَاِمنَح طَرفَ عَينَيكَ غَيرَنا
لِكَي يَحسِبوا أَنَّ الهَوى حَيثُ تَنظُرُ

60. So the last time with her was when she turned away
And her cheek appeared, pure and reddened.

٦٠. فَآخِرُ عَهدٍ لي بِها حينَ أَعرَضَت
وَلاحَ لَها خَدُّ نَقِيٌّ وَمَحجَرُ

61. Except that I said "O Ease!" addressing her
While the slave-girls scold and deter.

٦١. سِوى أَنَّني قَد قُلتُ يا نُعمُ قَولَةً
لَها وَالعِتاقُ الأَرحَبيّاتُ تُزجَرُ

62. Happy are the people of Al-Amariyya, its place
Is delightful and the meadow I remember.

٦٢. هَنيئاً لِأَهلِ العامِرِيَّةِ نَشرُها ال
لَذيذُ وَرَيّاها الَّذي أَتَذَكَّرُ

63. And I stood to a she-camel who betrayed her intent
The nights' wakefulness until her flesh peeled.

٦٣. وَقُمتُ إِلى عَنسٍ تَخَوَّنَ نَيَّها
سُرى اللَيلِ حَتّى لَحمُها مُتَحَسِّرُ

64. And my denial of wants until they were
Like a plank's remainder or trimmed trees.

٦٤. وَحَبسي عَلى الحاجاتِ حَتّى كَأَنَّها
بَقِيَّةُ لَوحٍ أَو شِجارٌ مُؤَسَّرُ

65. And from water at Ma'ma, little comforting it
Tadpoles never renewed it in summer.

٦٥. وَماءٍ بِمَوماءٍ قَليلٍ أَنيسُهُ
بَسابِسَ لَم يَحدُث بِهِ الصَيفَ مَحضَرُ

66. In it an abode for spiders as if it's
On the water-pit's edge, feeble, deployed.

٦٦. بِهِ مُبتَنىً لِلعَنكَبوتِ كَأَنَّهُ
عَلى طَرَفِ الأَرجاءِ خامٌ مُنَشَّرُ

67. So I rode while clueless, after my return
From the night, was it most of it passed or more?

٦٧. وَرِدتُ وَما أَدري أَما بَعدَ مَورِدي
مِنَ اللَيلِ أَم ما قَد مَضى مِنهُ أَكثَرُ

68. I stood to the bending of land as if it's
A madwoman when she looks.

٦٨. فَقُمتُ إِلى مِغلاةِ أَرضٍ كَأَنَّها
إِذا اِلتَفَتَت مَجنونَةٌ حينَ تَنظُرُ

69. She competes with me for water. Her head
And without what she desires, her heart twisted.

٦٩. تُنازِعُني حِرصاً عَلى الماءِ رَأسَها
وَمِن دونِ ما تَهوى قَليبٌ مُعَوَّرُ

70. Trying for the water, if not for her bridle
And my pulling her, she almost broke.

٧٠. مُحاوِلَةً لِلماءِ لَولا زِمامُها
وَجَذبي لَها كادَت مِراراً تَكَسَّرُ

71. So when I saw the harm in her and that
I'm in a land with no presser in it,

٧١. فَلَمّا رَأَيتُ الضَرَّ مِنها وَأَنَّني
بِبَلدَةِ أَرضٍ لَيسَ فيها مُعَصَّرُ

72. I shortened for her from the basin's side a
New canal like the span or less.

٧٢. قَصَرتُ لَها مِن جانِبِ الحَوضِ مُنشَأً
جَديداً كَقابِ الشِبرِ أَو هُوَ أَصغَرُ

73. When she wades in it, the extent of
Her hooves' meeting has no concealed cubit.

٧٣. إِذا شَرَعَت فيهِ فَلَيسَ لِمُلتَقى
مَشافِرِها مِنهُ قِدى الكَفِّ مُسأَرُ

74. And no bucket except the waterskin whose
Drawing to the water is ample and the leather bag adorned.

٧٤. وَلا دَلوَ إِلّا القَعبُ كانَ رِشاءَهُ
إِلى الماءِ نِسعٌ وَالأَديمُ المُضَفَّرُ

75. So she traveled while she did not quench and her drinking
Did not prevent her from the irrigation - troubled from the water, turbid.

٧٥. فَسافَت وَما عافَت وَما رَدَّ شُربَها
عَنِ الرَيِّ مَطروقٌ مِنَ الماءِ أَكدَرُ