1. My companion's sleep and my sleep became difficult
I stay up watching the waning star about to set
١. نامَ صَحبي وَباتَ نَومي عَسيراً
أَرقُبُ النَجمَ مَوهِناً أَن يَغورا
2. When I remembered what a lover said to her beloved
Let's go, we will spend the night traveling
٢. إِذ تَذَكَّرتُ قَولَ هِندٍ لِتِربَي
ها وَرُحنا نِيَمِّمُ التَجميرا
3. Say, by God, be patient my lad for a little while
It's not that you were patient for much blame
٣. قُلنَ بِاللَهِ لِلفَتى عُج قَليلاً
لَيسَ أَن عُجتَ لِلعِتابِ كَثيرا
4. So we met and she welcomed me then said
You were absent from our promise and you were worthy
٤. فَاِلتَقَينا فَرَحَّبَت ثُمَّ قالَت
حُلتَ عَن عَهدِنا وَكُنتَ جَديرا
5. To ward off those who slander me just as I
Defend you when you are mentioned in my presence as a prince
٥. أَن تَرُدَّ الواشينَ عَنّي كَما أَع
صي إِذا ما ذُكِرتَ عِندي أَميرا
6. I said, you are the wish and refusing is baseness
So forgive me my sweetheart, pardoned
٦. قُلتُ أَنتِ المُنى وَكِبرُ هَوانا
فَاِعذِري يا خَليلَتي مَعذورا
7. And I remembered her words to me at the parting
She held back her tears lest they flow
٧. وَتَذَكَّرتُ قَولَها لي لَدى المَي
لِ وَكَفَّت دُموعَها أَن تَمورا
8. I ask Allah, knower of the unseen, that you
Return safely my love, rewarded
٨. أَسأَلُ اللَهَ عالِمَ الغَيبِ أَن تَر
جِعَ يا حُبِّ سالِماً مَأجورا
9. If my night in Nu'man was long
Considering what my night could be, short
٩. إِن تَكُن لَيلَتي بِنَعمانَ طالَت
فَبِما قَد يَكونُ لَيلي قَصيرا
10. My friend, do not stay in Busra
Or Hafir, I do not like Hafir
١٠. يا خَليلَيَّ لا تُقيما بِبُصرى
وَحَفيرٍ فَما أُحِبُّ حَفيرا
11. So when you both pass by Oman
Stop there a little while and move on
١١. فَإِذا ما مَرَرتُما بِعُمانٍ
فَأَقِلّا بِها الثَواءَ وَسيرا
12. My friend, shun completely
Then go and make my travel resolute
١٢. يا خَليلَيَّ هَجِّرا تَهجيراً
ثُمَّ روحا وَأَحكِما لي المَسيرا
13. My friend, do not suggest, I
Will do what you ordered, so suggest
١٣. يا خَليلَيَّ ما تُشيرانِ إِنّي
فاعِلٌ ما أَمَرتُما فَأَشيرا
14. The matter grew serious for a moment, then they said
We are pleased with you, we have not accompanied a prince
١٤. ضَرَبا الأَمرُ ساعَةً ثُمَّ قالا
قَد رَضَيناكَ ما اِصطَحَبنا أَميرا
15. It is only a small rightful grievance
That I see a slow camel from you
١٥. إِنَّ خَطباً عَلَيَّ حَقّاً يَسيراً
أَن أَرى مِنكُما بَعيراً حَسيرا
16. We were remiss and though the journey
Demanded a camel, to get a camel
١٦. إِنَّما قَصرُنا وَإِن حَسَّرَ السَي
رُ بَعيراً أَن نَستَفيدَ بَعيرا