1. She came down to Mecca from the tribes of Nawfal
And I descended behind the well, far from lodging
١. نَزَلَت بِمَكَّةَ مِن قَبائِلِ نَوفَلِ
وَنَزَلتُ خَلفَ البِئرِ أَبعَدَ مَنزِلِ
2. Wary for her from the talk of a slanderer
Of reckless tongue, saying what she did not do
٢. حِذَراً عَلَيها مِن مَقالَةِ كاشِحٍ
ذَرِبِ اللِسانِ يَقولُ ما لَم تَفعَلِ