
I bear injustice with forbearance in the whiteness of dawn,

ألمم بجور في الصفاح حسان

1. I bear injustice with forbearance in the whiteness of dawn,
You stirred in me the finest sorrows,

١. أَلمِم بِجورٍ في الصِفاحِ حِسانِ
هَيَّجنَ مِنكَ رَوائِعَ الأَحزانِ

2. With white maidens who resemble fawns of the grazing deer,
And remember for them an ardor in yourself entering,

٢. بيضٍ أَوانِسَ قَد أَصَبنَ مَقاتِلي
يُشبِهنَ تُلعَ شَوادِنِ الغِزلانِ

3. My bones became hot and my flesh burned,
As if your heart the day you came to bid farewell

٣. وَاِذكُر لَهُنَّ جَوىً بِنَفسِكَ داخِلاً
قَد هاضَ عَظمي حَرُّهُ وَبَراني

4. Was affectionate to them and perhaps made me jealous,
And I met them in the morning with a supple one

٤. فَكَأَنَّ قَلبَكَ يَومَ جِئتَ مُوَدِّعاً
بِدَلالِهِنَّ وَرُبَّما أَضناني

5. Braided like the braiding of reins,
Her buttocks were heavy so standing was hard for her,

٥. وَكَلِفتُ مِنهُنَّ الغَداةَ بِغادَةٍ
مَجدولَةٍ جُدِلَت كَجَدلِ عِنانِ

6. She walked with the walk of one relaxed and tipsy,
She looked at you with the glances of a gazelle doe,

٦. ثَقُلَت عَجيزَتُها فَراثَ قِيامُها
وَمَشَت لَمَشيِ الشارِبِ النَشوانِ

7. The looks of a fawn, young, tender and delicate,
She has a good place where she dwells,

٧. نَظَرَت إِلَيكَ بِمُقلَتَي يَعفورَةٍ
نَظَرَ الرَبيبِ الشادِنُ الوَسنانَ

8. At the slopes of Telal amid the outskirts of Amman,
Oh heart why do you still indulge

٨. وَلَها مَحَلٌّ طَيِّبٌ تَقرو بِهِ
بَقلِ التِلاعِ بِحافَتَي عَمّانِ

9. When she is mentioned although grief has overcome me and I have kept silent,
If only when I approached her veil one day

٩. يا قَلبُ ما لَكَ لا تَزالُ مُوَكَّلاً
تَهذي بِهِندٍ عِندَ حينِ أَوانِ

10. I found her talk healing,
As though pure camphor and musk

١٠. ما إِن أَشَدتُ بِذِكرِها لَكِنَّهُ
غُلِبَ العَزاءُ وَبُحتُ بِالكِتمانِ

11. Were fragrant on her in pocket and lap,
Bashira stood out famously smooth-faced

١١. لَو كُنتُ إِذ أَدنَفتُ مِن كَلَفٍ بِها
يَوماً أَصَبتُ حَديثَها لَشَفاني

12. Below the citadels and fortresses of Al-Hawthan,
I compared her beauty to the morning sun

١٢. وَكَأَنَّ كافوراً وَمِسكاً خالِصاً
عَبِقا بِها بِالجَيبِ وَالأَردانِ

13. Yet she is a slayer and doll of monks,

١٣. وَجَلَت بَشيرَةُ سُنَّةً مَشهورَةً
دونَ الأَراكِ وَراهِنِ الحَوذانِ

١٤. شَبَّهتُها مِن حُسنِها شَمسَ الضُحى
وَهِيَ القَتولُ وَدُميَةُ الرُهبانِ