
Strum her strings and their melody,

حي الرباب وتربها

1. Strum her strings and their melody,
Before Asma's departure.

١. حَيِّ الرَبابَ وَتِربَها
أَسماءَ قَبلَ ذَهابِها

2. Return to her with that which
She said in her song's refrain.

٢. اِرجِع إِلَيها بِالَّذي
قالَت بِرَجعِ جَوابَها

3. She presented us a radiant plan,
Beaming with her approval.

٣. عَرَضَت عَلَينا خُطَّةً
مَشروقَةً بِرُضابِها

4. And coquettishly complained
When met with reproach - so welcome her blame!

٤. وَتَدَلَّلَت عِندَ العِتا
بِ فَمَرحَباً بِعِتابِها

5. She reveals trysts of beauty,
Yet is shy of rewards.

٥. تُبدي مَواعِدَ جَمَّةً
وَتَضَنُّ عِندَ ثَوابِها

6. We only meet when she descends,
Cloaked, to visit me.

٦. ما نَلتَقي إِلّا إِذا
نَزَلَت مِنىً بِقِبابِها

7. In a caravan, or on a starless night,
Near the walls of her abode.

٧. في النَفرِ أَو في لَيلَةِ ال
تَحصيبِ عِندَ حِصابِها

8. Restrain your heart when she comes,
Though it longs to seek her.

٨. اُزجُر فُؤادَكَ إِذ نَأَت
وَتَعَزَّ عَن تَطلابِها

9. And make your heart feel solace
From her and her friends.

٩. وَاِشعِر فُؤادَكَ سَلوَةً
عَنها وَعَن أَترابِها

10. For, my lad, piety is best
When kin are far.

١٠. وَغَريرَةٍ رُؤدِ الشَبا
بِ النُسكُ مِن أَقرابِها

11. I spoke true and lied to her
With her own lies.

١١. حَدَّثتُها فَصَدَقتُها
وَكَذَبتُها بِكِذابِها

12. And sent the keeper of secrets
As a friend with my letter,

١٢. وَبَعَثتُ كاتِمَةَ الحَدي
ثِ رَفيقَةً بِخِطابِها

13. A female companion,
Sneaking out her door.

١٣. وَحشِيَّةً إِنسِيَّةً
خَرّاجَةً مِن بابِها

14. She left and cleared the obstacles,
Lifting her veil from the path.

١٤. فَرَقَت فَسَهَّلَتِ المَعا
رِضَ مِن سَبيلِ نِقابِها