1. Stop at the abodes whose traces have been effaced
By spirits and rain that have obliterated its features
١. قِف بِالدِيارِ عَفا مِن أَهلِها الأَثَرُ
عَفّى مَعالِمَها الأَرواحُ وَالمَطَرُ
2. Between the two meadows flows a torrent between them
To the hills, to what lies beyond the mounds
٢. بِالعَرصَتَينِ فَمَجرى السَيلِ بَينَهُما
إِلى القَرينِ إِلى ما دونَهُ البُسُرُ
3. To your eyes whenever you look appear from it
The dwellings of the living as whitened bones and decaying
٣. تَبدو لِعَينَيكَ مِنها كُلَّما نَظَرَت
مَعاهِدُ الحَيِّ دَوداةٌ وَمُحتَضَرُ
4. And coagulated around a goblet they have devoted themselves to
Adorned and decked out yet fragmented from it
٤. وَرُكَّدٌ حَولَ كابٍ قَد عَكَفنَ بِهِ
وَزَينَةٌ ماثِلٌ مِنهُ وَمُنعَفِرُ
5. The homes of the living have, after their inhabitants,
Become pasture for gazelles and cows
٥. مَنازِلُ الحَيِّ أَقوَت بَعدَ ساكِنِها
أَمسَت تَرودُ بِها الغِزلانُ وَالبَقَرُ
6. They have changed them to another abode and altered it
The cycle of time in its recurrence alters
٦. تَبَدَّلوا بَعدَها داراً وَغَيَّرَها
صَرفُ الزَمانِ وَفي تَكرارِهِ غِيَرُ
7. I stood among them long that I might question them
But the abode has no knowledge or information
٧. وَقَفتُ فيها طَويلاً كَي أُسائِلَها
وَالدارُ لَيسَ لَها عِلمٌ وَلا خَبَرُ
8. The abode that a moment guided me to see
And destiny may lead the youth to the moment
٨. دارُ الَّتي قادَني حَينٌ لِرُؤيَتِها
وَقَد يَقودُ إِلى الحَينِ الفَتى القَدَرُ
9. A cheek whose image illuminates the darkness of the house
As the moon illuminates the darkness of the watchtower
٩. خَودٌ تُضيءُ ظَلامَ البَيتِ صورَتُها
كَما يُضيءُ ظَلامَ الحِندِسِ القَمَرُ
10. Perfectly formed, its shoulders were not created
To fill the bosom - it is perfume its pockets scatter
١٠. مَجدولَةُ الخَلقِ لَم توضَع مَناكِبُها
مِلءُ العِناقِ أَلوفٌ جَيبُها عَطِرُ
11. Curved of leg, its anklets finely clipped
Satisfying, supple, made tender and broken
١١. مَمكورَةُ الساقِ مَقصومٌ خَلاخِلُها
فَمُشبَعٌ نَشِبٌ مِنها وَمُنكَسِرُ
12. Slender, twisting, its brows smoothly arched
Nearly sprouting wings from the heaviness of its buttocks
١٢. هَيفاءُ لَفّاءُ مَصقولٌ عَوارِضُها
تَكادُ مِن ثِقَلِ الأَردافِ تَنبَتِرُ
13. Parted over polished white teeth in order
Sweet to kiss, for it the lips have polish
١٣. تَفتُرُ عَن واضِحِ الأَنيابِ مُتَّسِقٍ
عَذبِ المُقَبَّلِ مَصقولٍ لَهُ أُشُرُ
14. Like musk white hair mingled with bees' wax
Snow blended with the grayness of crumbling walls
١٤. كَالمِسكِ شَيبَ بِذَوبِ النَحلِ يَخلِطُهُ
ثَلجٌ بِصَهباءَ مِمّا عَتَّقَت جَدَرُ
15. She who robbed me of my reason and refused
Though singers may join us, betrayal remains
١٥. تِلكَ الَّتي سَلَبَتني العَقلَ وَاِمتَنَعَت
وَالغانِياتُ وَإِن واصَلنَنا غُدُرُ
16. I had been secluded from her but a moment destined me
For the appointed time when a look summoned me to healing
١٦. قَد كُنتُ في مَعزِلٍ عَنها فَقَيَّضَني
لِلحَينِ حينَ دَعاني لِلشَفا النَظَرُ
17. I and whoever the pilgrims' driver terrified
With slender stallions never made pilgrimage or glory
١٧. إِنّي وَمَن أَعمَلَ الحُجّاجُ خَيفَتَهُ
خَوصَ المَطايا وَما حَجّوا وَما اِعتَمَروا
18. I don't divert my love for you or give it
To another I join though the trees have leafed
١٨. لا أَصرِفُ الدَهرَ وُدّي عَنكِ أَمنَحُهُ
أُخرى أُواصِلُها ما أَورَقَ الشَجَرُ
19. You are the hope, my soul's discourse without
In all, you are hearing and sight
١٩. أَنتِ المُنى وَحَديثُ النَفسِ خالِيَةً
وَفي الجَميعِ وَأَنتِ السَمعُ وَالبَصَرُ
20. Would that he who blamed us for love had undergone
Some of what we undergo though not a tenth
٢٠. يا لَيتَ مَن لامَنا في الحُبِّ مَرَّ بِهِ
مِمّا نُلاقي وَإِن لَم نُحصِهِ العُشُرُ
21. So he might taste what we tasted and prevent him
From what ravishes the soul and wakefulness
٢١. حَتّى يَذوقَ كَما ذُقنا فَيَمنَعَهُ
مِمّا يَلَذُّ حَديثُ النَفسِ وَالسَهَرُ
22. Send me no messenger, do not abandon me
And beware of your promised time and prudent caution
٢٢. دَسَّت إِلَيَّ رَسولاً لا تَكُن فَرِقاً
وَاِحذَر وُقيتَ وَأَمرُ الحازِمِ الحَذَرُ
23. I have heard men of my family who are
Enemies behind my back have vowed
٢٣. إِنّي سَمِعتُ رِجالاً مِن ذَوي رَحِمي
هُمُ العَدُوُّ بِظَهرِ الغَيبِ قَد نَذَروا
24. To kill you - but He who can protect you from murder protects you
And God is your protector against the group's resolve
٢٤. أَن يَقتُلوكَ وَقاكَ القَتلَ قادِرُهُ
وَاللَهُ جارُكَ مِمّا أَجمَعَ النَفَرُ
25. A secret two conceal between them
And every secret beyond two spreads
٢٥. السِرُّ يَكتُمُهُ الإِثنانِ بَينَهُما
وَكُلُّ سِرٍّ عَدا الإِثنَينِ مُنتَشِرُ
26. If a man does not watch his composure
Eyes detect the evil of suspicion and he is notorious
٢٦. وَالمَرءُ إِن هُوَ لَم يَرقُب بِصَبوَتِهِ
لَمحَ العُيونِ بِسوءِ الظَنِّ يَشتَهِرُ