1. And I have said, when her estrangement was prolonged:
O Lord, I have no patience for the estrangement of Hind!
١. وَلَقَد قُلتُ إِذ تَطاوَلَ هَجري
رَبِّ لا صَبرَ لي عَلى هَجرِ هِندِ
2. O Lord, she has cured me and weakened my bones,
And tried me, and increased me beyond my strength.
٢. رَبِّ قَد شَفَّني وَأَوهَنَ عَظمي
وَبَراني وَزادَني فَوقَ جَهدي
3. O Lord, You have burdened me with love’s heaviness,
O Lord, I have no patience, nor firmness in me.
٣. رَبِّ حَمَّلتَني مِنَ الحُبِّ ثِقلاً
رَبِّ لا صَبرَ لي وَلا عَزمَ عِندي
4. I cling to her, she renews my estrangement,
That, by God, is from my wretched luck.
٤. رَبِّ عُلِّقتُها تُجَدِّدُ هَجري
ذاكَ وَاللَهِ مِن شَقاوَةِ جَدّي
5. My love for her is no novel affair,
Men before and after me have loved.
٥. لَيسَ حُبّي لَها بِبِدعَةِ أَمرٍ
قَد أَحَبَّ الرِجالُ قَبلي وَبَعدي
6. May God make whoever I love but you,
Of all people, a ransom for your life.
٦. جَعَلَ اللَهُ مَن أُحِبُّ سِواكُم
مِن جَميعِ الأَنامِ نَفسَكِ يَفدي