
Be warned, my cousin, of what you see as safe

أشر يا ابن عمي في سلامة ما ترى

1. Be warned, my cousin, of what you see as safe
And reveal it to me, that you may rob me of my reason

١. أَشِر يا اِبنَ عَمّي في سَلامَةَ ما تَرى
لَنا وَتَبَدّيها لِتَسلُبَني عَقلي

2. Now that grey hairs have appeared and youth is rejected
And wisdom has returned to me, moving beyond ignorance

٢. عَلى حينِ لاحَ الشيبُ وَاِستُنكِرَ الصِبا
وَراجَعَني حِلمي وَأَقصَرتُ عَن جَهلي

3. And I have become as the experienced one becomes after
I awoke, and the blamers grew weary of blaming

٣. وَآلَت كَما آلَ المُجَرَّبُ بَعدَ ما
صَحَوتُ وَمَلَّ العاذِلاتُ مِنَ العَذلِ

4. I showed them disobedience, which caused them
To cast the rope of my love into a setting sun

٤. وَأَبدَيتُ عِصياناً لَهُنَّ سَبَبنَني
وَأَلقَينَ مِن يَأسٍ عَلى غارِبي حَبلي

5. And they marched my passion in the evening
Killing those at whom they glance with languid eyes

٥. وَأَقبَلنَ يَمشينَ الهُوَينا عَشِيَّةً
يُقَتِّلنَ مَن يَرمينَ بِالحَدَقِ النُجلِ

6. Strange women from various places met me
In a state I never imagined the like of

٦. غَرائِبُ مِن حَيَّينِ شَتّى لَقينَني
عَلى حالَةٍ ما خافَ مِن مِثلِها مِثلي

7. They bid me meager farewells, while their eyes
Fear their people and mine

٧. فَسَلَّمنَ تَسليماً ضَعيفاً وَأَعيُنٌ
نُحاذِرُها مِن أَهلِهِنَّ وَمِن أَهلي

8. And said, "If God had willed, we would have met you
In a different place and occupation

٨. وَقُلنَ لَوَ اِنَّ اللَهَ شاءَ لَقيتَنا
عَلى غَيرِ هَذا مِن مَقامٍ وَمِن شُغلِ

9. Then we would have talked at length and commiserated
Souls, but the situation calls for moving on"

٩. إِذاً لَبَثَثناكَ الأَحاديثَ وَاِشتَفَت
نُفوسٌ وَلَكِنَّ المَقامَ عَلى رِجلِ

10. And they said, "When after evening could we meet again
For our appointment? Alas! Alas! For the reunion!"

١٠. وَقُلنَ مَتى بَعدَ العَشيَّةِ نَلتَقي
لِميعادِنا هَيهاتَ هَيهاتَ لِلوَصلِ