
O early riser, longing for my departure

أيها الباكر المريد فراقي

1. O early riser, longing for my departure
After you were stirred by talking of my yearning,

١. أَيُّها الباكِرُ المُريدُ فِراقي
بَعدَ ما هِجتَ بِالحَديثِ اِشتِياقي

2. Would that I knew, tomorrow when they set out
Where can the likeness of the sun be hoped for reunion?

٢. لَيتَ شِعري غَداةَ بانوا وَفيهِم
صورَةُ الشَمسِ أَينَ يُرجى التَلاقي

3. Anguish seizes you, O heart, because of her.
If they urge on their camel litters to set out.

٣. جَزَعٌ يَعتَريكَ يا قَلبُ مِنها
إِن يَحُثّوا جِمالَهُم لِاِنطِلاقِ

4. We lavished our souls, if lavishing
Can heal them of passion for her embrace and clasping.

٤. قَد شَفَينا النُفوسَ إِن كانَ يَشفي
مِن هَواها عِناقُها وَاِعتِناقي

5. When she stanched her tears, then she said:
"The parting has come close, the friends prepare to leave."

٥. حينَ كَفَّت دُموعَها ثُمَّ قالَت
أَزِفَ البَينُ وَاِنطِلاقُ الرِفاقِ

6. My heart is pledged to you today
To my misery and love for Iraq's people.

٦. إِنَّ قَلبي لَفيكُمُ اليَومَ رَهنٌ
لِشَقائي وَحُبِّ أَهلِ العِراقِ