1. The heart was disturbed - was there for it a consoler?
Or was there for his old love an obtainer?
١. طَرِبَ الفُؤادُ هَل لَهُ مِن مَطرَبِ
أَم هَل لِسالِفِ وُدِّهِ مِن مَطلَبِ
2. Passion inclined towards him and accustomed him,
The madness of youth with a burning heart.
٢. وَصَبا وَمالَ بِهِ الهَوى وَاِعتادَهُ
لَهوُ الصِبا بِجُنونِ قَلبٍ مُسهَبِ
3. His time had clear adversity,
And love - whoever hungers for it sickens.
٣. فيهِ مِنَ النُصبِ المُبينِ زَمانُهُ
وَالحُبُّ مَن يَعلَق جَواهُ يَعطَبِ
4. He hung passion from his heart for a fawn,
A driver of yearning, of lovely creation.
٤. عَلِقَ الهَوى مِن قَلبِهِ بِغَريرَةٍ
رَيّا الرَوادِفِ ذاتِ خَلقٍ خَرعَبِ
5. She passed the toothstick over the sweetest gap-toothed mouth,
Of sweet lips, delicious in taste like a drink.
٥. تُجري السِواكَ عَلى أَغَرَّ مُفَلَّجٍ
عَذبِ اللِثاتِ لَذيذِ طَعمِ المَشرَبِ
6. She said to a maid of hers: say to him
A saying of one who complains but doesn't complain.
٦. قالَت لِجارِيَةٍ لَها قولي لَهُ
مِنّي مَقالَةَ عاتِبٍ لَم يُعتِبِ
7. And I knew well that if I listed his sins
He would claim that he hadn't sinned.
٧. وَلَقَد عَلِمتُ لَئِن عَدَدتُ ذُنوبَهُ
أَن سَوفَ يَزعُمُ أَنَّهُ لَم يُذنِبِ
8. Tell me, I love one who is reproached
Lowly in status and not highborn.
٨. أَلمُخبِري إِنّي أُحِبُّ مُصاقِباً
داني المَحَلِّ وَنازِحاً لَم يَصقَبِ
9. If he had avoided me as he said, he wouldn't
Have persisted in harming me and avoiding me.
٩. لَو كانَ بي كِلفاً كَما قَد قالَ لَم
يُجمِع بِعادي عامِداً وَتَجَنُّبي
10. So I made her swear sincerely, an oath not lying,
That your love still increases in me
١٠. فَجَعَلتُ أُثلِجُها يَميناً بَرَّةً
بِاللَهِ حَلفَةَ صادِقٍ لَم يَكذِبِ
11. And I watch for you what you don't watch for.
١١. ما زالَ حُبُّكِ بَعدُ يَنمي صاعِداً
عِندي وَأَرقُبُ فيكِ ما لَم تَرقُبي