
From the ruins of past glories and abodes

من رسوم باليات ودمن

1. From the ruins of past glories and abodes
My worries have returned and persistently gnaw at me

١. مِن رُسومٍ بالِياتٍ وَدِمَن
عادَ لي هَمّي وَعاوَدتُ دَدَن

2. Oh Abu Al-Harith my heart wanders aimlessly
So take the advice of a trusted, wise counsel

٢. يا أَبا الحارِثِ قَلبي هائِمٌ
فَأتَمِر أَمرَ رَشيدٍ مُؤتَمَن

3. My eyes glanced at her with a look
That left my heart with her as a hostage

٣. نَظَرَت عَيني إِلَيها نَظرَةً
تَرَكَت قَلبي لَدَيها مُرتَهَن

4. My heart was hung like a graceful gazelle
Oh my people, from a gazelle that has been ensnared

٤. عُلِّقَ القَلبُ غَزالاً شادِناً
يا لَقَومي مِن غَزالٍ قَد شَدَن

5. Of beautiful face, pure complexion
Sweet scent, soft to embrace

٥. حَسَنَ الوَجهِ نَقِيّاً لَونُهُ
طَيِّبِ النَشرِ لَذيذِ المُحتَضَن

6. Seek for me to meet and be united with her
For the best union is that without prevention

٦. أُطلُبَن لي صاحِ وَصلاً عِندَهُ
إِنَّ خَيرَ الوَصلِ ما لَيسَ يُمَن

7. Indeed my love for Layla will be the death of me
Love has appeared in my body and gut

٧. إِنَّ حُبّي آلَ لَيلى قاتِلي
ظَهَرَ الحُبُّ بِجِسمي وَبَطَن

8. There is no love greater than my love for her
Unless I kill myself or go insane

٨. لَيسَ حُبٌّ فَوقَ ما أَحبَبتُهُ
غَيرَ أَن أَقتُلَ نَفسي أَو أُجَنّ

9. Her love for me has caused my heart
A passion that flows over all other passions

٩. جَعَلَت لِلقَلبِ مِنّي حُبَّها
شَجَناً زافَ عَلى كُلِّ شَجَن

10. So when she wanders lost in thought of me
And when she returns to settle in her abode

١٠. فَإِذا ما شَحَطَت هامَ بِها
وَإِذا راعَت إِلى الدارِ سَكَن