1. The flirts saw the gray hair appear on my temple
So they turned away from me with bright, rosy cheeks
١. رَأَينَ الغَواني الشَيبَ لاحَ بِعارِضي
فَأَعرَضنَ عَنّي بِالخُدودِ النَواضِرِ
2. And whenever they caught sight of me or heard me
They hurried to block their paths with rocks
٢. وَكُنَّ إِذا أَبصَرنَني أَو سَمِعنَني
سَعَينَ فَرَقَّعنَ الكُوى بِالمَحاجِرِ
3. So if the gazes of eyes frown at me
They pelt me with the arrows of blames and insults
٣. فَإِن جَمَحَت عَنّي نَواظِرُ أَعيُنٍ
رَمينَ بَأَحداقِ المَها وَالجَآذِرِ
4. But I am from a noble people whose glory
Has reached the highest summits and most lofty peaks
٤. فَإِنِّيَ مِن قَومٍ كَريمٍ نِجارُهُم
لِأَقدامِهِم صيغَت رُؤوسُ المَنابِرِ