
She greeted us with her fingers,

أشارت إلينا بالبنان تحية

1. She greeted us with her fingers,
And fingers like hers greeted back,

١. أَشارَت إِلَينا بِالبَنانِ تَحِيَّةً
فَرَدَّ عَلَيها مِثلَ ذاكَ بَنانُ

2. Then she said, while the people of the tent were present -
Some lighthearted, some reserved in speech -

٢. فَقالَت وَأَهلُ الخَيفِ قَد حانَ مِنهُمُ
خُفوفٌ وَما يُبدي المَقالَ لِسانُ

3. "My intention in this visit was to be sure
That, despite your vow, you feel no bitterness.

٣. نَوىً غَربَةٌ قَد كُنتُ أَيقَنتُ أَنَّها
وَجَدِّكَ فيها عَن نَواكَ شَطانُ

4. Come visit before we're parted,
The cowards who'd prevent it are gone.

٤. تَعالَ فَزُرنا زَورَةً قَبلَ بَينَنا
فَقَد غابَ عَنّا مَن نَخافُ جَبانُ

5. I said the best meeting's in a place
Where no harm's feared from the young and strong."

٥. فَقُلتُ لَها خَيرُ اللِقاءِ بِبَلدَةٍ
مِنَ الأَرضِ لا يُخشى بِها الحَدَثانُ

6. We'll deny having met to any who suppose we might
And trust any who wish us ill, in their chests.

٦. نُكَذِّبُ مَن قَد ظَنَّ أَنّا سَنَلتَقي
وَنَأمَنُ مَن في صَدرِهِ شَنَآنُ

7. We'll stay away one night, then, be sure,
Another two nights - agreed?

٧. سَنَمكُثُ عَنهُم لَيلَةً ثُمَّ مَوعِدٌ
لَكُم بَعدَ أُخرى لَيلَتَينِ عِدانِ

8. Passion makes the horses lead the way; how elegant
The women are who accept what we desire!

٨. وَيُبدي الهَوى رَكبٌ هُداةٌ وَأَينَقٌ
بِهِنَّ عَلَينا في رِضاكِ هَوانُ

9. Healthy and lithe like jinn, or broad hipped,
Rounded bellies, full breasts - pure delight!

٩. سَلامِيَّةٌ كَالجِنِّ أَو أَرحَبِيَّةٌ
عَلائِفُ أَمثالُ السَمامِ هِجانُ

10. At the curve of every dune they're held back,
When passion calls they scarcely rein it in.

١٠. مُعيداتُ حَبسٍ عِندَ كُلِّ لُبانَةٍ
مُقَيَّدَةٌ قُبُّ البُطونِ سِمانُ

11. As we descended from the dusty hill and earth's
Haze hid us from all eyes,

١١. لَهُنَّ فَلا يُنكِرنَهُ كُلَّما دَعا
هَوىً مِن أَماراتِ الشَقاءِ عِنانُ

12. She lit a fire whose light led, with night,
A hand that gently beckoned us and winked.

١٢. فَلَمّا هَبَطنا مِن غِفارٍ وَغَيَّبَت
ذُرى الأَرضِ عَنّا طَخيَةٌ وَدُخانُ

13. I said, "Hasten, before they sleep, and we'll see
More clearly what we hope for."

١٣. أَثارَت لَنا ناراً أَتى دونَ ضَوئها
مَعَ اللَيلِ بيدٌ أَعرَضَت وَمِتانُ

14. And I said to companions whose every word
To the women seems charming and kind,

١٤. فَقُلتُ اِلحَقوا بِالحَيِّ قَبلَ مَنامِهِم
سَيَبدو لَنا مِمّا نُريدُ بَيانُ

15. "Come, it's time we met our date - go now
And wait for her; the moment's due."

١٥. وَقُلتُ لِأَترابٍ لَها كُلُّ قَولِها
لَدَيهِنَّ فيما قَد يَرَينَ حَنانُ

16. She came, walking gently, and around her
Gazelles paced gracefully.

١٦. هَلُمَّ إِلى ميعادِهِ فَاِنتَظَرنَهُ
فَقَد حانَ مِنهُ أَن يَجيءَ أَوانُ

17. When we met, each confessed his secret,
Though aware that such talk stays hid.

١٧. فَجاءَت تَهادى كَالمَهاةِ وَحَولَها
مَناصِفُ أَمثالُ الظِباءِ حِسانُ

18. I spent a night not matched by any place
For one who'd savor it, keeping clear of spies.

١٨. فَلَمّا اِلتَقَينا باحَ كُلٌّ بِسِرِّهِ
مَعَ العِلمِ أَن لَيسَ الحَديثُ يُخانُ

19. In a depression, by a hillock and meadow
We were sheltered - who'd suspect we were there?

١٩. فَبِتُّ مُبيتاً لَيسَ مِثلَ مَكانِنا
لِمَن لَذَّ إِن خافَ العُيونَ مَكانُ

20. The night passed quickly by and dawn
Came, waking us, the however awake and alert.

٢٠. إِلى مُستَرادٍ مِن كَثيبٍ وَرَوضَةٍ
سُتِرنا بِها إِنَّ المُعانَ مُعانُ

21. We left, our talk revealed by neither foe
Nor loose tongues giving us away.

٢١. فَلَمّا تَقَضّى اللَيلُ إِلّا أَقَلَّهُ
هَبَبنا وَنادى بِالرَحيلِ سِنانُ

22. And she said, her tears flowing as the drops
Run quickly down a slender branch:

٢٢. رَجِعنا وَلَم يَنشُر عَلَينا حَديثَنا
عَدُوٌّ وَلَم تَنطِق بِهِ شَفَتانُ

23. "Can I hope that one day after this
There'll come a time we meet again?"

٢٣. وَقالَت وَدَمعُ العَينِ يَجري كَما جَرى
سَريعاً مِنَ السِلكِ الضَعيفِ جُمانُ

٢٤. أَأَلحَقُّ أَنَّ اليَومَ أَنَّ لِقاءَكُم
تَنَظُّرُ حَولٍ بَعدَ ذاكَ زَمانُ