
For whom are the ruins, their contours barren?

لمن الديار رسومها قفر

1. For whom are the ruins, their contours barren?
The spirits and the rain have toyed with them,

١. لِمَنِ الدِيارُ رُسومُها قَفرُ
لَعِبَت بِها الأَرواحُ وَالقَطرُ

2. And after their inhabitants they are empty,
Pilgrims passing through, eight or ten.

٢. وَخَلا لَها مِن بَعدِ ساكِنِها
حِجَجٌ خَلَونَ ثَمانَ أَو عَشرُ

3. For smooth cheeks their down is clearly visible,
By the full moon of her face they break their fast at night.

٣. لِأَسيلَةِ الخَدَّينِ واضِحَةٍ
يُعشى بِسُنَّةِ وَجهِها البَدرُ

4. Her scarf and robe are flawless,
Neither feeble, nor sullied, nor pale.

٤. دُرمٌ مَرافِقُها وَمِئزَرُها
لا عاجِزٌ تَفِلٌ وَلا صِفرُ

5. Saffron on her pillows,
By it the curves of her chest and throat grow radiant.

٥. وَالزَعفَرانُ عَلى تَرائِبِها
شَرِقٌ بِهِ اللَبّاتُ وَالنَحرُ

6. Jade and pearls in ordered strands as if afire -
Sea shells and coral and topaz.

٦. وَزَبَرجَدٌ وَمِنَ الجُمانِ بِهِ
سَلسُ النِظامِ كَأَنَّهُ جَمرُ