
O you whose ardent heart is enamored

يا من لقلب دنف مغرم

1. O you whose ardent heart is enamored
Of one who went to India and was not unfair

١. يا مَن لِقَلبٍ دَنِفٍ مُغرَمِ
هامَ إِلى هِندٍ وَلَم يَظلِمِ

2. Who went to a gazelle, slender and delicate
Sweet of smile, pure of heart

٢. هامَ إِلى رِئمٍ هَضيمِ الحَشا
عَذبِ الثَنايا طَيِّبِ المَبسِمِ

3. Like the sun in the Asad when it rose
On a cold, gloomy day

٣. كَالشَمسِ بِالأَسعُدِ إِذ أَشرَقَت
في يَومِ دَجنٍ بارِدٍ مُقتِمِ

4. I did not think the sun appeared at night
Before me, neither flesh nor blood

٤. لَم أَحسَبِ الشَمسَ بِلَيلٍ بَدَت
قَبلي لِذي لَحمٍ وَلا ذي دَمِ

5. She said, and departure had saddened her
And if the eye glanced at it, it would weep

٥. قالَت وَقَد جَدَّ رَحيلٌ بِها
وَالعَينُ إِن تَطرِف بِها تَسجُمِ

6. If death makes us forget and allows us
To meet you again in season

٦. إِن يَنسَنا المَوتُ وَيُؤذَن لَنا
نَلقَكَ إِن عُمِّرتَ بِالمَوسِمِ

7. If you do not come or if you remain indifferent
The least will distract you from the greatest

٧. إِن لَم تَحُل أَو تَكُ ذا مَيلَةٍ
يَصرُفُكَ الأَدنى عَنِ الأَقدَمِ

8. I said to her, "No, you are ailing, Hind
In love, that you may pine away"

٨. قُلتُ لَها بَل أَنتِ مُعتَلَةٌ
في الوَصلِ يا هِندُ لِكَي تَصرُمي