1. O dwelling, by Allah Lord of Muhammad
You have captivated my heart with charm, so compensate me
١. يا سُكنَ قَد وَاللَهِ رَبِّ مُحَمَّدٍ
أَقصَدتِ قَلبِي بِالدَلالِ فَعَوِّضي
2. And feel ashamed of killing one who did not wrong you
With estrangement or enmity, and did not spurn you
٢. وَتَحَرَّجي مِن قَتلِ مَن لَم يَبغِكُم
هَجراً وَلا صَرما وَلَم يَتَبَغَّضِ
3. O dwelling, though I come to your abode
Not to ask after you or spurn you in disdain
٣. يا سُكنَ لَستُ وَإِن نَأَت بِكِ دارُكُم
بِالسالِ عَنكِ وَلا المَلولِ المُعرِضِ
4. O dwelling, how many were brought near us then spurned
And how many ardent suitors were made to withdraw
٤. يا سُكنَ كَم مِمَن تَوَدَّدَ عِندَنا
أُقصي وَكَم مِن كاشِحٍ مُتَعَرِّضِ
5. For you I have estranged my kin and lady friends
And for you I have deliberately joined ties with those who hate me
٥. وَصَرَمتُ فيكِ أَقارِبي وَعواذِلي
وَوَصَلتُ عَمداً فيكِ حَبلَ المُبغِضِ
6. For you I have kept a trust I was charged with
And disobeyed every inciter and spurner
٦. وَحَفِظتُ فيكِ أَمانَةً حُمَّلتُها
وَعَصيتُ كُلَّ مُحَرِّشٍ وَمُعَرِّضٍ
7. O dwelling, loving you when I was charged with loving you
Is a purpose I see, by the Lord of Mecca, enduring
٧. يا سُكنَ حُبُّكِ إِذ كَلِفتُ بِحُبِّكُم
غَرَضاً أَراهُ وَرَبِّ مَكَّةَ مُمرِضي
8. O dwelling, the pact between us was
A vow of patience from you that you would not break
٨. يا سُكنَ كانَ العَهدُ فيما بَينَنا
وَيَمينُ صَبرٍ مِنكِ أَن لا تَنقُضي
9. Not to break pacts, and that being joined with you
Would not be the taste of casual faith of the duty-bound
٩. مِنّا العُهودَ وَلا يَكونَ وِصالُكُم
مَذقَ الحَديثِ بِلَطِّ دَينِ المُفرِضِ
10. Yet after renewing it, you put that on me from you
Unjustly, by my life, like a worn-out garment
١٠. فَلَبِستُ ذَلِكَ مِنكِ بَعدَ جَديدِهِ
ظُلماً لَعَمري كَاللِباسِ العَرمَضِ
11. And I found your tie to be among the ties of a keeper
To whom all creatures are exposed in being joined
١١. وَوَجَدتِ حَبلَكِ مِن حِبالِ مُحافِظٍ
سُجُعِ الخَلائِقِ في الوِصالِ مُعَرِّضِ