
Do you know the house, the ruins, and the sand dunes

هل تعرف الدار والأطلال والدمنا

1. Do you know the house, the ruins, and the sand dunes
That increased my heart in its sorrows?

١. هَل تَعرِفُ الدارَ وَالأَطلالَ وَالدِمَنا
زِدنَ الفُؤادَ عَلى عِلّاتِهِ حَزَنا

2. A house for Asma, when she used to dwell in it
While you, at that time, were a homeland to us

٢. دارٌ لِأَسماءَ إِذ كانَت تَحَلُّ بِها
وَأَنتَ إِذ ذاكَ إِذ كانَت لَنا وَطَنا

3. My heart has never loved anything like loving you
And my eyes have never seen anything as beautiful as you after you

٣. لَم يُحبِبِ القَلبُ شَيئاً مِثلَ حُبُّكُمُ
وَلَم تَرَ العَينُ شَيئاً بَعدَكُم حَسَنا

4. I do not care if Allah brings you close
Whether one had yearned or settled

٤. ما إِن أُبالي إِذا ما اللَهُ قَرَّبَكُم
مَن كانَ شَطَّ مِنَ الأَحبابِ أَو قَطَنا

5. For if you are distant, absence has struck my heart
And if your house comes near, you would be a dwelling for us

٥. فَإِن نَأَيتُم أَصابَ القَلبُ نَأيُكُمُ
وَإِن دَنَت دارُكُم كُنتُم لَنا سَكَنا

6. If you withhold, your stinginess will not console my heart
And if you give generously, then you have granted us an era

٦. إِن تَبخَلي لا يُسَلّو القَلبَ بُخلُكُمُ
وَإِن تَجودي فَقَد عَنّيتِنا زَمَنا

7. My heart has become hostage to you, oh Hind
While you were the love, anxiety, and intimacy

٧. أَمسى الفُؤادُ بِكُم يا هِندُ مُرتَهَناً
وَأَنتِ كُنتِ الهَوى وَالهَمَّ وَالوَسَنا

8. As you bid farewell in polished litter
And eyes of a gazelle that have never looked with languor

٨. إِذ تَستَبيكَ بِمَصقولٍ عَوارِضُهُ
وَمُقلَتَي شادِنٍ لَم يَعدُ أَن شَدَنا