
Your heart has become restless after tranquility, O homeland

قد هاج قلبك بعد السلوة الوطن

1. Your heart has become restless after tranquility, O homeland
And yearning makes the emigrant shed tears of sorrow

١. قَد هاجَ قَلبَكَ بَعدَ السُلوَةِ الوَطَنُ
وَالشَوقُ يُحدِثُهُ لِلنازِحِ الشَجَنُ

2. Whoever asked about us, where is our dwelling
The wilderness for us is dwelling enough

٢. مَن كانَ يَسأَلُ عَنّا أَينَ مَنزِلُنا
فَالأُقحُوانَةُ مِنّا مَنزِلٌ قَمَنُ

3. No home remains chaste after its inhabitants have gone
And what good is living there when you are the price

٣. وَما لِدارٍ عَفَت مِن بَعدِ ساكِنِها
وَما لِعَيشٍ بِها إِذ ذاكُمُ ثَمَنُ

4. When the neighbors deplore whoever travels with them
And the Hajj pilgrimage, well-known for its assemblies

٤. إِذا الجِمارُ حَرىً مِمَّن يَسيرُ بِهِ
وَالحَجُّ قُدماً بِهِ مَعروفٌ الثُكَنُ

5. When we lived purely without troubles
Not harmed by the injustice of evildoers or the vicissitudes of time

٥. إِذ نَلبَسُ العَيشَ صَفواً لا يُكَدِّرُهُ
جَفوُ الوُشاةِ وَلا يَنبو بِنا زَمَنُ

6. When gathered we shunned all shamelessness
In that gathering which was a fine council

٦. إِذا اِجتَمَعنا هَجَرنا كُلَّ فاحِشَةٍ
عِندَ اللِقاءِ وَذاكُم مَجلِسٌ حَسَنُ

7. Such was an era whose misguidance has passed from us
And each era follows its own traditions in its course

٧. فَذاكَ دَهرٌ مَضَت عَنّا ضَلالَتُهُ
وَكُلُّ دَهرٍ لَهُ في سَيرِهِ سَنَنُ

8. Would that passion had not brought me near you nor
Caused me know you when my fortune with you was sorrow

٨. لَيتَ الهَوى لَم يُقَرِّبني إِلَيكِ وَلَم
أَعرِفكِ إِذ كانَ حَظّي مِنكُمُ الحَزَنُ