1. Tell the dwellings made of cloth that they speak
With grief, the grief of an era when created
١. قُل لِلمَنازِلِ مِن أُثَيلَةَ تَنطِقُ
بِالجِزعِ جِزعِ القَرنِ لَمّا تُخلِقِ
2. Greeted from ruins whose age has passed
And watered from the downpour of bountiful spring
٢. حُيَّيتِ مِن طَلَلٍ تَقادَمَ عَهدُهُ
وَسُقيتِ مِن صَوبِ الرَبيعِ المُغدِقِ
3. To remember the time that has gone by us
Days we will resurrect the Messenger and reunite
٣. لِتَذَكُّرِ الزَمَنِ الَّذي قَد فاتَنا
أَيّامَ نَبتَعِثُ الرَسولَ وَنَلتَقي
4. When you were a delicate doe in flourishing youth
A fawn with cheeks like the green gazelle
٤. إِذ أَنتِ رُؤدٌ في الشَبابِ غَريرَةٌ
غَرّاءُ خَودٌ كَالغَزالِ الأَخرَقِ
5. Whose saddlebags were fragrant, their contents perfumed
Filled with the eloquent, conversing supplies
٥. دَرما المَرافِقِ طَيِّبٌ أَردانُها
حَشوُ الحَقيبَةِ بادِنُ المُتَنَطَّقِ
6. Nothing more beautiful than Athayla when she appeared
Her caravan hastened to disperse
٦. لا شَيءَ أَحسَنُ مِن أُثَيلَةَ إِذ بَدَت
وَقَدِ اِحزَأَلَّت عيرُها لِتَفَرُّقِ
7. And when she glanced with eyes of dripping kohl
I knew her need though she did not speak
٧. وَإِذا رَنَت نَظَرَ النَزيفِ بِعَينِها
فَعَرَفتُ حاجَتَها وَإِن لَم تَنطِقِ