
Do you know today the abode and its ruins,

هل تعرف اليوم رسم الدار والطللا

1. Do you know today the abode and its ruins,
As you knew the blemishes with the eyelid of the polished sword?

١. هَل تَعرِفُ اليَومَ رَسمَ الدارِ وَالطَلَلا
كَما عَرَفتَ بِجَفنِ الصَيقَلِ الخِلَلا

2. A house for Marwa, when my family and her family
In Al-Kanisiyyah we graze playfulness and love poems.

٢. دارٌ لِمَروَةَ إِذ أَهلي وَأَهلُهُمُ
بِالكانِسِيَّةِ نَرعى اللَهوَ وَالغَزَلا

3. Your youth from us did depart and went away,
And grey hair appeared in the head, it blazed and sparked.

٣. أَمسى شَبابُكِ عَنّا الغَضَّ قَد رَحَلا
وَلاحَ في الرَأسِ شَيبٌ حَلَّ فَاِشتَعَلا

4. Indeed the youth which we used to weigh with it,
Left and we did not fulfill any of its pleasures.

٤. إِنَّ الشَبابَ الَّذي كُنّا نَزُنُّ بِهِ
وَلّى وَلَم نَقضِ مِن لَذّاتِهِ أَمَلا

5. The youth left commendably with no returning,
And the head replaced from me the worst it substituted.

٥. وَلّى الشَبابُ حَميداً غَيرَ مُرتَجَعٍ
وَاِستَبدَلَ الرَأسُ مِنّي شَرَّ ما بَدَلا

6. Grey hair branched out, its landmarks make me cry,
It became and the blackness of the head transitioned and left.

٦. شَيبٌ تَفَرَّعَ أَبكاني مَواضِحُهُ
أَضحى وَحالَ سَوادُ الرَأسِ فَاِنتَقَلا

7. I wish youth upon us, its traveling camels stopped by,
And grey hair became from us today transferred and moved.

٧. لَيتَ الشَبابَ بِنا حَلَّت رَواحِلُهُ
وَأَصبَحَ الشَيبُ عَنّا اليَومَ مُنتَقِلا

8. Youth bid farewell and death succeeded it,
No welcome to the abode of grey hair when it lodged.

٨. أَودى الشَبابُ وَأَمسى المَوتُ يَخلُفُهُ
لا مَرحَباً بِمَحَلِّ الشَيبِ إِذ نَزَلا

9. Why did my wedding elongate my requesting of it?
It started picking faults with me and illnesses.

٩. ما بالُ عِرسِيَ قَد طالَت مُطالَبَتي
أَمسَت تَجَنّى عَلَيَّ الذَنبَ وَالعِلَلا