
My last testament to Rabab as she spoke

وآخر عهدي بالرباب مقالها

1. My last testament to Rabab as she spoke
Of our night in Bat'ha while tears flowed

١. وَآخِرُ عَهدي بِالرَبابِ مَقالُها
لَنا لَيلَةَ البَطحاءِ وَالدَمعُ يَسجُمُ

2. You were perturbed and obeyed the slanderers and clarified
The attributes of a passionate love so why the crime?

٢. طَرِبتَ وَطاوَعتَ الوُشاةَ وَبَيَّنَت
شَمائِلُ مِن وَجدٍ فَفيمَ التَجَرُّمُ

3. Come tell me of my sin that I may confess
Of your grievance that I may know how to relent

٣. هَلُمَّ فَأَخبِرني بِذَنبِيَ أَعتَرِف
بِعُتباكَ أَو أَعرِف إِذاً كَيفَ أُصرَمُ

4. If it was a sin against you I committed
I did so intentionally and blame myself

٤. فَإِن كانَ في ذَنبٍ إِلَيكَ اِجتَرَمتُهُ
تَعَمَّدتُهُ عَمداً فَنَفسِيَ أَلوَمُ

5. And if it was something a defamer told you
However he wished to present it against me and piece together

٥. وَإِن كانَ شَيئاً قالَهُ لَكَ كاشِحٌ
كَما شاءَ يُسديهِ عَلَيَّ وَيُلحِمُ

6. So you believed him - I could not stop him
Nor control enemies speaking as they please

٦. فَصَدَّقتَهُ لَم أَستَطِع أَن أَوَدَّهُ
وَلَم أَملِكِ الأَعداءَ أَن يَتَكَلَّموا

7. I spoke and it was an argument agreeing with
Some truth I knew from me

٧. فَقُلتُ وَكانَت حُجَّةً وافَقَت بِها
مِنَ الحَقِّ عِندي بَعضَ ما كُنتُ أَعلَمُ

8. You spoke truthfully and whoever knows but hides a testimony
Against himself or another is most unjust

٨. صَدَقتِ وَمَن يَعلَم فَيَكتُم شَهادَةً
عَلى نَفسِهِ أَو غَيرِهِ فَهوَ أَظلَمُ

9. As for that which you reproached me for, I submit
To your reproach, for in the defiance of creation, I succumb

٩. فَأَمّا الَّذي فيهِ عَتِبتِ فَأَنفُهُ
لِأَنفِكِ في صَرمِ الخَلائِقِ أَرغَمُ

10. Your grievance with me is that I do not return
And I swear by the Merciful, we shall not speak

١٠. فَعُتباكَ مِنّي أَنَّني غَيرُ عائِدٍ
وَأُقسِمُ بِالرَحمَنِ لا نَتَكَلَّمُ

11. And I said to her, if people would take a path
And you turn East from their direction

١١. وَقُلتُ لَها لَو يَسلُكُ الناسُ وادِياً
وَتَنحينَ نَحوَ الشَرقِ عَمّا تَيَمَّموا

12. My heart would compel me to follow you, for I
Will be forever afflicted, lovesick with your memory

١٢. لَكَلَّفَني قَلبي أُتابِعكِ إِنَّني
بِذِكراكِ أُخرى الدَهرِ صَبٌّ مُتَيَّمُ

13. I see what is beyond Najd, when you reside in it
As beautiful, and I adore the valley if you wander there

١٣. أَرى ما يَلي نَجداً إِذا ما حَلَلتِهِ
جَميلاً وَأَهوى الغَورُ إِن تَتَتَهَّموا