
For one whose blood ties to me have grown cold with disdain,

لمن دمن بخيف منى قفور

1. For one whose blood ties to me have grown cold with disdain,
As though the hornet's buzzing had deafened his hearing,

١. لِمَن دِمَنٌ بِخَيفِ مِنىً قَفورُ
كَأَنَّ عِراصَ مَغناها الزَبورُ

2. The abodes of Umm 'Amr lie desolate,
Though the nights and ages be prolonged.

٢. مَنازِلُ أَقفَرَت مِن أُمِّ عَمروٍ
وَلَو طالَ اللَيالي وَالدُهورُ

3. So your heart cannot forget Umm 'Amr,
Though the nights and months drag on.

٣. فَلا يَنسى فُؤادُكَ أُمَّ عَمروٍ
وَلَو طالَ اللَيالي وَالشُهورُ

4. I declare, as the bowl of Qaz conceals her,
Is she a radiant sun or a shining moon?

٤. أَقولُ وَشَفَّ سِجفُ القَزِّ عَنها
أَشَمسٌ تِلكَ أَم قَمَرٌ مُنيرُ

5. Good fortune brought her close to us, till
We met her in Mina proceeding on her way.

٥. وَيَسَّرَها لَنا المَيمونُ حَتّى
لَقَيناها بِبَطنِ مِنىً تَسيرُ

6. She greeted me and tears began to flow
Down her cheek in rivulets of sorrow.

٦. فَحَيَّت وَاِستَهَلَّ الدَمعُ مِنّي
لِعِبرَتِها عَلى خَدٍّ يَمورُ

7. She said, "You have abandoned your pact and love for me.
It was no slight thing to bid you farewell."

٧. فَقالَت حُلتَ عَن عَهدي وَوُدّي
جَديدٌ ما حَيّتُ لَكُم يَسيرُ

8. "You have indulged the backbiters and visited those
Who never visited you - the treachery is clear to me.

٨. وَطاوَعتَ الوُشاةَ وَزُرتَ مَن لَم
يَزُركَ وَقَد تَبَيَّنَ لي الخُتورُ

9. You have not maintained the bond as we maintained it,
And your intentions towards me are manifestly evil.

٩. وَلَم تَرعَ الوِصالَ كَما رَعَينا
وَبانَت مِنكَ لي عَمداً أُمورُ

10. You have not repaid your debts or made them binding,
While you show ingratitude for every kindness."

١٠. وَلَم تَجزِ القُروضُ وَلَم تُثِبها
وَأَنتَ لِكُلِّ صالِحَةٍ كَفورُ

11. I swore to her by the Lord of Mina, that when
The throngs return from their clamor,

١١. حَلَفتُ لَها بِرَبِّ مِنىً إِذا ما
تَغَيَّبَ في عَجاجَتِهِم ثَبيرُ

12. "You will still be loved if we sit together,
And the object of my visit if we exchange visits."

١٢. لَأَنتُم حِبُّ شَيءٍ إِن جَلَسنا
وَإِن زُرنا فَأَوجَهُ مَن نَزورُ

13. "But if you intend to distance yourself from me,
Then my heart recoils from your estrangement."

١٣. فَإِن كُنتِ البِعادَ أَرَدتِ عَنّي
فَقَلبي عَن بِعادِكُمُ نَفورُ