
How strange! I did not find strange what, had you seen

عجبا ما عجبت مما لو أبصرت

1. How strange! I did not find strange what, had you seen
Below it, you would have found strange.

١. عَجَباً ما عَجِبتُ مِمّا لَو أَبصَر
تَ خَليلي ما دونَهُ لَعَجِبتا

2. For the words of Safiyya - why be shy
When you have turned from me and departed?

٢. لِمَقالِ الصَفِيَّ فيمَ التَجَنّي
وَلِما قَد جَفَوتَني وَهَجَرتا

3. Weeping, I asked: "What makes you
Weep?" Her slave-girl said: "She did nothing."

٣. في بُكاءٍ فَقُلتُ ما ذا الَّذي أَب
كاكِ قالَت فَتاتُها ما فَعَلتا

4. And she turned her face in disdain, and said,
When she saw me: "You did that yourself."

٤. وَلَوَت رَأسَها ضِراراً وَقالَت
إِذ رَأَتني إِختَرتَ ذَلِكَ أَنتا

5. When you preferred the love of another to me
And forgot our friendship and grew weary.

٥. حينَ أَثَرتَ بِالمَوَدَّةِ غَيري
وَتَناسَيتَ وَصلَنا وَمَلِلتا

6. You said to me words of jest to test me
With a fickle tongue when you swore oaths.

٦. قُلتَ لي قَولَ مازِحٍ تَستَبيني
بِلِسانٍ مُقَوِّلٍ إِذ حَلَفتا

7. "Consort with me, and I will inform you." But from my ill fortune
And misery you consorted, then informed.

٧. عاشِري فَاِخبُري فَمِن سوءِ جَدّي
وَشَقائي عُوشِرتَ ثُمَّ خُبِرتا

8. So we found you, when we were informed, listless,
No longer as you used to say.

٨. فَوَجَدناكَ إِذ خَبَرنا مَلولاً
طَرِفاً لَم تَكُن كَما كُنتَ قُلتا

9. And you pretended with me to cut my ties
After you were a shelter to which I was joined.

٩. وَتَجَلَّدتَ لي لِتَصرِمَ حَبلي
بَعدَما كُنتَ رِثَّةً قَد وَصَلتا

10. Remember then the pact in al-Muhassab, and the love
That was between us, which you then betrayed.

١٠. فَاِذكُرِ العَهدَ بِالمُحَصَّبِ وَالوُد
دَ الَّذي كانَ بَينَنا ثُمَّ خُنتا

11. By my life! What will be the first of what you
Swore to me, O cousin, then betrayed?

١١. وَلَعَمري ماذا بِأَوَّلِ ما عا
هَدتَني يا اِبنَ عَمِّ ثُمَّ غَدَرتا

12. It is forbidden you that you should have from me
Naught but that which you already attained.

١٢. فَحَرامٌ عَلَيكَ أَن لا تَنالَ ال
دَهرَ مِنّي غَيرَ الَّذي كُنتَ نِلتا

13. I said: "Gently, pardon, beauty!" But she said:
"No, by my life, even if I saw you dead!"

١٣. قُلتُ مَهلاً عَفواً جَميلاً فَقالَت
لا وَعَيشي وَلَو رَأَيتُكَ مِتّا

14. And the she-camels went on, slowly plodding
Toward Khabat, until they reached Khabat.

١٤. وَأَجازَت بِها البِغالُ تَهادى
نَحوَ خَبتٍ حَتّى إِذا جُزنَ خَبتا

15. They halted, overlooking the lowlands, then she said:
"Visit us not, nor will we visit you ever."

١٥. سَكَنَت مُشرِفَ الذُرى ثُمَّ قالَت
لا تَزُرنا وَلا نَزورُكَ سَبتا