1. Some of what had wounded my heart
Of a lover who now disdains his passion
١. عاوَدَ القَلبَ بَعضُ ما قَد شَجاهُ
مِن حَبيبٍ أَمسى هَوانا هَواهُ
2. Oh my people, how can I have patience with one
Whose soul finds no comfort without him
٢. يا لِقَومي وَكَيفَ صَبرِيَ عَمَّن
لا تَرى النَفسُ طيبَ عَيشٍ سِواهُ
3. When she saw I was distant, she sent word that
No talebearer will be welcomed if he comes to him
٣. أَرسَلَت إِذ رَأَت بِعادِيَ أَن لا
يَقبَلَن بي مُحَرِّشاً إِن أَتاهُ
4. Do not obey, may I ransom you, my soul's enemy
In tales he fabricated to suit his whim
٤. لا تُطِع بي فَدَتكَ نَفسي عَدوّاً
لِحَديثٍ عَلى هَواهُ اِفتَراهُ
5. Do not obey one who, were he to see me and you
As two captives of dire need, would not reproach him
٥. لا تُطِع بي مَن لَو رَآني وَإِيّا
كَ أَسيرَي ضَرورَةٍ ما عَناهُ
6. And avoiding the house of the beloved, though nothing is sweeter
To me than to see him
٦. وَاِجتِنابي بَيتَ الحَبيبِ وَما الخُل
دُ بِأَشهى إِلَيَّ مِن أَن أَراهُ
7. It does my soul no harm to shun one who is
Neither unjust nor far, though he spurns me
٧. ما ضِراري نَفسي بِهَجرَةِ مَن لَي
سَ مُسيئاً وَلا بَعيداً ثَراهُ
8. Without hearing my excuses
Or seeing him blame me, for I have his approval
٨. دونَ أَن يَسمَعَ المَعاذِرَ مِنّي
أَو يُرى عاتِباً فَعِندي رِضاهُ