
I say to my friend, and one who shares my woe,

أقول لصاحبي ومثل ما بي

1. I say to my friend, and one who shares my woe,
Like a man in pain complaining of his pain:

١. أَقولُ لِصاحِبَيَّ وَمِثلُ ما بي
شَكاهُ المَرءُ ذو الوَجدِ الأَليمِ

2. To two brothers like them, when cares besiege him
And sleepless worries his repose restrain:

٢. إِلى الأَخَوَينِ مِثلِهِما إِذا ما
تَأَوَّبَهُ مُؤَرِّقَةُ الهُمومِ

3. "A while ago, at fortune's height superb,
I rode a camel that excelled the steeds of Thamim's strain

٣. لِحَيني وَالبَلاءِ لَقيتُ ظُهراً
بِأَعلى النَقعِ أُختَ بَني تَميمِ

4. But when her charms unveiled before my eyes,
A rill of tears flowed down in copious rain,

٤. فَلَمّا أَن بَدا لِلعَينِ مِنها
أَسيلُ الخَدِّ في خَلقٍ عَميمِ

5. With languid lids, and cheeks gashed deep, a mouth
Pouting like paired Sirius when the Dogstar's bane,

٥. وَعَينا جُؤذَرٍ خَرِقٍ وَثَغرٌ
كَمِثلِ الأُقحُوانِ وَجيدُ ريمِ

6. Her friends, not I, stood near her, stooping o'er her,
As stoops a nurse to whom an infant clings in vain,

٦. حَنا أَترابُها دوني عَلَيها
حُنوَّ العائِداتِ عَلى سَقيمِ

7. With necks unadorned: they lived a life of want,
Not luxury and delight and joy's bright reign."

٧. عَقائِلُ لَم يَعِشنَ بِعَيشِ بُؤسٍ
وَلَكِن بِاِلغَضارَةِ وَالنَعيمِ