
Myself I blame for his love,

بنفسي من أشتكي حبه

1. Myself I blame for his love,
And if love blames, it does not lie,

١. بِنَفسِيَ مَن أَشتَكي حُبَّهُ
وَمَن إِن شَكا الحُبَّ لَم يَكذِبِ

2. And if it is indignant, I appease it,
And if it sees me angry, it is displeased.

٢. وَمَن إِن تَسَخَّطَ أَعتَبتُهُ
وَإِن يَرَني ساخِطاً يُعتِبِ

3. He who cares not if others are pleased
When he is happy and not angry,

٣. وَمَن لا أُبالي رِضا غَيرِهِ
إِذا هُوَ سُرَّ وَلَم يَغضَبِ

4. He who does not obey his family because of us
And whom I have disobeyed my nearest kin,

٤. وَمَن لا يُطيعُ بِنا أَهلَهُ
وَمَن قَد عَصَيتُ لَهُ أَقرَبي

5. And if it prohibited me from its love,
Thirsty, I would not drink water,

٥. وَمَن لَو نَهانِيَ مِن حُبِّهِ
عَنِ الماءِ عَطشانَ لَم أَشرَبِ

6. And he who has no arms to be feared
And if he attacks, he will not be defeated.

٦. وَمَن لا سِلاحَ لَهُ يُتَّقى
وَإِن هُوَ نوزِلَ لَم يُغلَبِ