
How many are the slain, their blood unavenged,

وكم من قتيل لا يباء به دم

1. How many are the slain, their blood unavenged,
How many the shackled as hostages, when desire embraces them,

١. وَكَم مِن قَتيلٍ لا يُباءُ بِهِ دَمٌ
وَمِن غَلِقٍ رَهناً إِذا ضَمَّهُ مِنى

2. How many with eyes brimming with tears other than their own
When the white camels march towards the stoning place like blood.

٢. وَمِن مالِئٍ عَينَيهِ مِن شَيءِ غَيرِهِ
إِذا راحَ نَحوَ الجَمرَةِ البيضُ كَالدُمى

3. Dragging the trains of their wide skirts,
With buttocks swaying and plump thighs.

٣. يُسَحِّبنَ أَذيالَ المُروطِ بِأَسوُقٍ
خِدالٍ وَأَعجازٍ مَآكِمُها رِوى

4. Charmers who steal the heart of the forbearing,
Oh, the longings and the beauty of the unveiling!

٤. أَوانِسُ يَسلُبنَ الحَليمَ فُؤادَهُ
فَيا طولَ ما شَوقٍ وَيا حُسنَ مُجتَلى

5. A palace whose corners they cast with their palms
For three weeks counted on fingers.

٥. مَعَ اللَيلِ قَصراً رَميُها بِأَكُفِّها
ثَلاثَ أَسابيعٍ تُعَدُّ مِنَ الحَصى

6. Never did I see a spectacle like the stoning ritual,
Nor nights of pilgrimage that try lovers so.

٦. فَلَم أَرَ كَالتَجميرِ مَنظَرَ ناظِرٍ
وَلا كَلَيالي الحَجِّ أَفلَتنَ ذا هَوى