1. Did our gathering last night choose to depart or stay?
Asking, by your life, which of those did it prefer?
١. أَأَقامَ أَمسِ خَليطُنا أَم سارا
سائِل بِعَمرِكَ أَيَّ ذاكَ اِختارا
2. And I feared their intention was to suddenly leave,
As parted lovers oft repeated their bitterness.
٢. وَإِخالُ أَنَّ نَواهُمُ قَذّافَةٌ
كانَت مُعاوِدَةَ الفِراقِ مِرارا
3. The messenger said, tears flowing,
So I stopped him, letting those tears flow freely.
٣. قالَ الرَسولُ وَقَد تَحَدَّرَ واكِفٌ
فَكَفَفتُ مِنهُ مُسبِلاً مِدرارا
4. "Travel secretly, none shall hinder you,
Even if mountains collapsed onto his mount."
٤. أَن سِر فَشَيِّعنا وَلَيسَ بِنازِعٍ
لَو شَدَّ فَوقَ مَطِيِّهِ الأَكوارا
5. Needing help, the vigor of youth led him
To that which fate's caprice made congruous.
٥. في حاجَةٍ جَهدُ الصَبابَةِ قادَها
وَبِما يُوافِقُ لِلهَوى الأَقدارا
6. She appeared, looking from her litter as though
She meant us harm by so revealing herself.
٦. قامَت تَراءى بِالصِفاحِ كَأَنَّما
عَمداً تُريدُ لَنا بِذاكَ ضِرارا
7. Charms peeked out from a blooming branch,
Recalling lodgings to the settled abodes.
٧. فَبَدَت تَرائِبُ مِن رَبيبٍ شادِنٍ
ذَكَرَ المَقيلَ إِلى الكِناسِ فَصارا
8. She shone one evening in Mecca's valley, her face
Lighting the curtains with its radiance.
٨. وَجَلَت عَشِيَّةَ بَطنِ مَكَّةَ إِذ بَدَت
وَجهاً يُضيءُ بَياضُهُ الأَستارا
9. Like the sun, pleasing those who saw her, and adorned
By pride enough when she wished to boast.
٩. كَالشَمسِ تُعجِبُ مَن رَأى وَيُزَينُها
حَسَبٌ أَغَرُّ إِذا تُريدُ فِخارا
10. Every desolate land was watered by your face,
And by your like we seek rains.
١٠. سُقِيَت بِوَجهِكِ كُلُّ أَرضٍ جُبتِها
وَبِمِثلِ وَجهِكِ نَستَقي الأَمطارا
11. If only the insightful Thaqifite saw her forehead
And the pristine clarity of her cheeks, he'd burn!
١١. لَو يُبصِرُ الثَقفُ البَصيرُ جَبينَها
وَصَفاءَ خَدَّيها العَتيقَ لَحارا
12. I see your beauty above all beauties,
Your beautiful face captures all eyes.
١٢. وَأَرى جَمالَكِ فَوقَ كُلِّ جَميلَةٍ
وَجَمالُ وَجهِكِ يَخطَفُ الأَبصارا
13. I saw you leaving, redolent with perfume,
Swaying in the saddle, a delightful sight.
١٣. إِنّي رَأَيتُكِ غادَةً خُمصانَةً
رَيّا الرَوادِفِ لَذَّةً مِبشارا
14. Poised on the camel, perfect in creation,
Like crafted silverwork, fragrant and pure.
١٤. مَحطوطَةَ المَتنَينِ أُكمِلَ خَلقُها
مِثلَ السَبيكَةِ بَضَّةً مِعطارا
15. Comforting one laid low with a graceful initiative -
It would illuminate deepest gloom.
١٥. تَشفي الضَجيعَ بِبادِرٍ ذي رَونَقٍ
لَو كانَ في غَلَسِ الظَلامِ أَنارا
16. You intoxicated him with amber, cloves,
And ginger mixed into a healing potion.
١٦. فَسَقَتكَ بِشرَةُ عَنبَراً وَقَرَنفُلاً
وَالزَنجَبيلَ وَخِلطَ ذاكَ عُقارا
17. Like honey robbed by an emir from the sellers,
Or a draft of chilled Nabrid in tumblers.
١٧. وَالذَوبُ مِن عَسَلِ الشُراةِ كَأَنَّما
غَصَبَ الأَميرُ تَبيعَهُ المُشتارا
18. It flows over your smiling lips whenever
You take a sip, though you know not its danger.
١٨. وَكَأَنَّ نُطفَةَ بارِدٍ وَطَبَرذَداً
وَمُدامَةً قَد عُتِّقَت أَعصارا
19. Quenching thirst when the thirsty beholds it -
Sweetly intoxicating the impassioned kisser.
١٩. تَجري عَلى أَنيابِ بِشرَةَ كُلَّما
طَرَقَت وَلا تَدري بِذاكَ غِرارا
20. He who wears it in winter will succeed
More graciously than any fur cloak.
٢٠. يُروى بِهِ الظَمآنُ حينَ يَشوفُهُ
لَذَّ المُقَبَّلِ بارِداً مِخمارا
21. Show kindness to one whose mind you've addled,
Who hasn't fulfilled his promise from you.
٢١. وَيَفوزُ مَن هِيَ في الشِتاءِ شِعارُهُ
أَكرِم بِها دونَ اللَحافِ شِعارا
22. When I pine, I mark my heart with her absence,
And find it confused and distraught.
٢٢. جودي لِمَحزونٍ ذَهَبتِ بِعَقلِهِ
لَم يَقضِ مِنكِ بُشَيرَةُ الأَوطارا
23. My eyes well up when I pine for her,
While my heart rages at remembering her anger.
٢٣. وَإِذا ذَهَبتُ أَسومُ قَلبي خُطَّةً
مِن هَجرِها أَلفَيتُهُ خَوّارا
24. Thus do I rave, for as long as I live, O youths!
And by it in the morn I gray my hair.
٢٤. وَاِغرَورَقَت عَينايَ حينَ أَسومُها
وَالقَلبُ هاجَ لِذِكرِها اِستِعبارا
25. Who can maintain ties if you sever our bonds?
Or confide in us your secrets after you?
٢٥. فَبِتِلكَ أَهذي ما حَيِيتُ صَبابَةً
وَبِها الغَداةَ أُشَيِّبُ الأَشعارا
26. Alas for Ku'ayqian and his people -
With those two sorrows his tomb overflowed.
٢٦. مَن ذا يُواصِلُ إِن صَرَمتِ حِبالَنا
أَم مَن نُحَدِّثُ بَعدَكِ الأَسرارا
٢٧. هَيهاتَ مِنكِ قُعَيقِعانُ وَأَهلُها
بِالحَزنَتَينِ فَشَطَّ ذاكَ مَزارا