
He who pines did not recover from the one who cured him for a time

لم يقض ذو الشجو ممن شفه أربا

1. He who pines did not recover from the one who cured him for a time
And desire's deviation persisted with him for epochs

١. لَم يَقضِ ذو الشَجوِ مِمَّن شَفَّهُ أَرَبا
وَقَد تَمادى بِهِ زَيغُ الهَوى حِقَبا

2. After a flirtatious one whose character was never touched
Except by wishes from us, not intimacy

٢. في إِثرِ غانِيَةٍ لَم تُمسِ طِيَّتُها
إِلّا المُنى أَمَماً مِنّا وَلا صَقَبا

3. When I say I've gotten over her, reluctance stirs him up
And longing and fervor return to him

٣. إِذا أَقولُ صَحا عَنها يُعاوِدُهُ
رَدعٌ يَهيجُ عَلَيهِ الشَوقَ وَالطَرَبا

4. And tears follow longing so whenever she was mentioned
The eye's tears flowed and poured down

٤. وَالدَمعُ لِلشَوقِ مِتباعٌ فَما ذُكِرَت
إِلّا تَرَقرَقَ دَمعُ العَينِ فَاِنسَكَبا

5. Absence did not console him when it distanced her
And he did not attain through desire what he sought

٥. لَم يُسلِهِ النَأيُ عَنها حينَ باعَدَها
وَلَم يَنَل بِالهَوى مِنها الَّذي طَلَبا

6. So he is like one fading, neither dying nor
Living, and desire has burdened him with fatigue

٦. فَهوَ كَشِبهِ المُعَنّى لا يَموتُ وَلا
يَحيا وَقَد جَشَّمَتهُ بِالهَوى تَعَبا

7. The mind is broken, weary of life, and whoever
Clings to desire for the likes of her deserves to perish

٧. مُرَنَّحُ العَقلِ قَد مَلَّ الحَياةَ وَمَن
يَعلَق هَوى مِثلِها يَستَوجِبِ العَطَبا

8. Sufyana was granted, in the beauty of her form
Intellect and noble, perfect character, wonder

٨. سَيفانَةٌ أوتِيَت في حُسنِ صورَتِها
عَقلاً وَخُلقاً نَبيلاً كامِلاً عَجَبا