
The mixture was more bitter, yet I endured,

إن الخليط أجد فاحتملا

1. The mixture was more bitter, yet I endured,
Wanting to spite you for what you had done.

١. إِنَّ الخَليطَ أَجَدَّ فَاِحتَمَلا
وَأَرادَ غَيظَكِ بِالَّذي فَعَلا

2. I hoped they would stay for so long,
Though my soul hoped for what would not be.

٢. قَد كُنتُ آمُلُ طولَ مَكثِهِمُ
وَالنَفسُ مِمّا تَأمُلُ الأَمَلا

3. There the camels were held in place,
There the guides had saddled the she-camels.

٣. فَإِذا البِغالُ تُشَدُّ واقِفَةً
وَإِذا الحُداةُ قَدِ اِعتَبوا الإِبِلا

4. Then love almost killed me,
Had love before it ever killed.

٤. فَهُناكَ كادَ الحُبُّ يَقتُلُني
لَو كانَ حُبٌّ قَبلَهُ قَتَلا

5. Those whom I hoped would stay
Have agreed to bear the separation.

٥. إِنَّ الَّذينَ رَجَوتَ مَكثَهُمُ
قَد أَجمَعوا لِلبَينِ مُحتَمَلا