1. The heart grew sick
Love returned feverish
١. أَصبَحَ القَلبُ مَريضاً
راجَعَ الحُبَّ غَريضا
2. And longing grew frail
When it saw a fleeting flash
٢. وَأَجَدَّ الشَوقَ وَهناً
إِذ رَأى بَرقاً وَميضا
3. Then the caravan spent the night thirsty
And tasted no sweetness
٣. ثُمَّ باتَ الرَكبُ نُوّا
ماً وَلَم يَطعَم غُموضا
4. That was long ago in India
When the heart bid farewell distressed
٤. ذاكَ مِن هِندٍ قَديماً
وَدَّعَ القَلبَ مَهيضا
5. When she appeared before me and displayed
Clearly her rosy complexion
٥. إِذ تَبَدَّت لي فَأَبدَت
واضِحَ اللَونِ نَحيضا
6. And the agony of her flavor was bitter
Like the white sand dunes
٦. وَعِذابَ الطَعمِ غُرّا
كَأَقاحي الرَملِ بيضا
7. She secretly sent word to us
And quickly turned away furtive
٧. أَرسَلَت سِرّاً إِلَينا
وَثَنَت رَجعاً خَفيضا
8. To meet with me until
The dark night dressed in its width
٨. أَن تَلَبَّث لي إِلى أَن
نَلبَسَ اللَيلَ العَريضا
9. As if the honey and the sweet
Were blended with the fresh water
٩. وَكَأَنَّ الشَهدَ وَالإِس
فِنطَ وَالماءَ الفَضيضا
10. It started gnawing on it
After you’d tasted bitterness
١٠. باشَرَ الأَنيابَ مِنها
بَعدَما ذُقتَ غُموضا