
His heart was infatuated with her ignorantly,

علق النوار فؤاده جهلا

1. His heart was infatuated with her ignorantly,
And it was smitten with love, leaving no room for reason.

١. عَلِقَ النَوارَ فُؤادُهُ جَهلاً
وَصَبا فَلَم تَترُك لَهُ عَقلا

2. She passed by me on the road, but the heart
Did not retain her image by the end of the day.

٢. وَتَعَرَّضَت لي في المَسيرِ فَما
أَمسى الفُؤادُ يَرى لَها شَكلا

3. No doe feeding on the fallen fruits
Of a date-palm is sweeter than her words:

٣. ما ظَبيَةٌ مِن وَحشِ ذي بَقَرٍ
تَغذو بِسِقطِ صَريمَةٍ طِفلا

4. "Let us be, for you cannot reward with favors,
Nor can you connect a rope that is unraveled."

٤. بِأَلَذَّ مِنها إِذ تَقولُ لَنا
وَأَرَدتُ كَشفَ قِناعِها مَهلا

5. And you have to endure the agony of a heart
That makes remembrance of you a preoccupation.

٥. دَعنا فِإِنَّكَ لا مُكارَمَةً
تَجزي وَلَستَ بِواصِلٍ حَبلا

6. So I responded: "The lover is obligated,
So spare me your reproach and renew the gift."

٦. وَعَلَيكَ مِن تَبلِ الفُؤادِ وَإِن
أَمسى لِقَلبِكَ ذِكرُهُ شُغلا

٧. فَأَجَبتُها إِنَّ المُحِبَّ مُكَلَّفٌ
فَذَري العِتابَ وَأَحدِثي بَذلا