1. The estrangement of Zainab's family has endured
Though we bear them no malice or ill will
١. طالَ مِن آلِ زَينَبَ الإِعراضُ
لِلتَعَدّي وَما بِنا الإِبغاضُ
2. And two hearts were attached until age
Whitened the heads raised high
٢. وَوَليدَينِ كانَ عُلِّقَها القَل
بُ إِلى أَن عَلا الرُؤوسَ البَياضُ
3. Our bond with them is strong while their
Ties to us are weakened debris
٣. حَبلُها عِندَنا مَتينٌ وَحَبلي
عِندَها واهِنُ القِوى أَنقاضُ
4. One day at the Fare' branch she glanced at us
A glance whose return was a wink
٤. نَظَرَت يَومَ فَرعِ لَفتٍ إِلَينا
نَظرَةً كانَ رَجعَها إِيماضُ
5. When she told a procession restrained by spearheads
To obey, so the meadows' plants bent low
٥. حينَ قالَت لِمَوكِبٍ كَمَها الرَم
لِ أَطاعَت لَهُ النَباتَ الرِياضُ
6. We rode up to the young man to salute
Him with what hearts suffering conceal
٦. عُجنَ نَحوَ الفَتى البِغالَ نُحَيِّي
هِ بِما تَكتُمُ القُلوبُ المِراضُ
7. And tell him what I comprised of him
When the day cleared for the sick to travel
٧. وَأُحَدِّثهُ ما تَضَمَّنتُ مِنهُ
إِذ خَلا اليَومَ لِلمَسيرِ المَراضُ