1. From a lover with a weary heart
Sending greetings to the beautiful rosebud
١. مِن عاشِقٍ كَلِفِ الفُؤادِ مُتَيَّمِ
يُهدي السَلامَ إِلى المَليحَةِ كُلثُمِ
2. He confides his hidden love and passion
So she knows what she did not before
٢. وَيَبوحُ بِالسِرِّ المَصونِ وَبِالهَوى
يُدري لِيُعلِمَها بِما لَم تَعلَمِ
3. Lest she doubt that to me she is
Like a dear and honored beloved
٣. كَي لا تَشُكَّ عَلى التَجَنُّبِ أَنَّها
عِندي بِمَنزِلَةِ المُحِبِّ المُكرَمِ
4. She has firmly gripped my stalwart heart
With the rope of fulfilled union
٤. أَخَذَت مِنَ القَلبِ العَميدِ بِقُوَّةٍ
وَمِنَ الوِصالِ بِمَتنِ حَبلٍ مُبرَمِ
5. She is anchored in my soul anchored
As the soul of the doting lover
٥. وَتَمَكَّنَت في النَفسِ حَيثُ تَمَكَّنَت
نَفسُ المُحِبِّ مِنَ الحَبيبِ المُغرَمِ
6. Indeed I read her book and understood it
Had it been other than her book, I'd not understand
٦. وَلَقَد قَرَأتُ كِتابَها فَفَهِمتُهُ
لَو كانَ غَيرَ كِتابَها لَم أَفهَمِ
7. She obscured it with her palm and fingers
With the water of her eyes, uncoded
٧. عَجَمَت عَلَيهِ بِكَفِّها وَبَنانِها
مِن ماءِ مُقلَتِها بِغَيرِ المُعجَمِ
8. The messenger walked with a secret need
Had some of it not leaked, it'd stay concealed
٨. وَمَشى الرَسولُ بِحاجَةٍ مَكتومَةٍ
لَولا مَلاحَةُ بَعضِها لَم تُكتَمِ
9. Unbeknownst to those whose talk we fear
In the darkness of a gloomy night
٩. في غَفلَةٍ مِمَّن نُحاذِرُ قَولَهُ
وَسَوادِ لَيلٍ ذي دَواجٍ مُظلِمِ
10. My faith and yours, O Kullthum, are one
We reject your time or surrender to our faith
١٠. ديني وَدينُكِ يا كُليثِمُ واحِدٌ
نَرفُض وَقَيتُكِ دينَنا أَو نُسلِمِ