1. Alas, may God destroy love, wherever it was created
For you see naught but trouble and bitterness from it
١. أَلا قاتَلَ اللَهُ الهَوى حَيثُ أَخلَقا
فَما إِن تَرى إِلّا مَشوباً مُمَذَّقا
2. No lover seeks to increase his love for his beloved
Reproaching him for intimacy, but they separate
٢. فَما مِن مُحِبٍّ يَستَزيدُ حَبيبَهُ
يُعاتِبُهُ في الوَدِّ إِلّا تَفَرَّقا
3. This heart clung to love, hanging
A gazelle adorned with a pearl necklace and earrings
٣. تَعَلَّقَ هَذا القَلبُ لِلحُبِّ مَعلَقا
غَزالاً تَحَلّى عِقدَ دُرٍّ وَبارَقا
4. With dark lips it gives in the evening and at dawn
Fresh, delicate vegetation from the lost one sprouting
٤. مِنَ الأُدمِ تَعطو بِالعَشِيِّ وَبِالضُحى
مِنَ الضالِ غَضّاً ناعِمَ النَبتِ مورِقا
5. Thousands for the shadows of temples and for the soil
When the radiance of summer sun glows on them
٥. أَلوفٌ لِأَظلالِ الكِناسِ وَلِلثِرى
إِذا ما لُعابُ الشَمسِ بِالصَيفِ أَشرَقا