
Greetings to Athalah when she hurried at dawn

حييا أثلة إذ جد رواح

1. Greetings to Athalah when she hurried at dawn
And bid it farewell, "Is there no respite for grief?"

١. حَيِّيا أَثلَةَ إِذ جَدَّ رَواح
وَسَلاها هَل لِعانٍ مِن سَراح

2. "Is there no future for the lovesick one in it?"
The heart throbs except for the cry of agony.

٢. هَل لِمَتبولٍ بِها مُستَقبَلٌ
دَنَفِ القَلبِ عَميدٍ غَيرِ صاح

3. It was the love that laments through her
Like the flow of water in arid land.

٣. كانَ وَالوُدَّ الَّذي يَشكو بِها
كَمَريقِ الماءِ في الأَرضِ الشَحاح

4. O you who asked about our love for her
You speak much without clarification.

٤. أَيُّها السائِلُنا عَن حُبِّها
تُكثِرُ المَنطِقَ في غَيرِ اِتِّضاح

5. The memory of her was created from my nature
Not since the dawn illuminated the earth.

٥. خُلِقَت ذِكرَتُها مِن شيمَتي
ما أَضاءَ الأَرضَ تَبليجُ الصَباح

6. She has no estrangement or secrecy with me
Her secret is open with me.

٦. ما لَها عِندِيَ مِن هَجرٍ وَلا
سِرُّها عِندِيَ بِالفاشي المُباح

7. You ask of love while I loved that
I am between the swords of enemies and spears.

٧. تَسأَلُ الوُدَّ وَوَدَّت أَنَّني
بَينَ أَسيافِ الأَعادي وَالرِماح

8. My heart followed my eyes leading to her
After sunrise from the day of sacrifice.

٨. قادَتِ العَينُ إِلَيها قَلبَهُ
عَقِبَ التَشريقِ مِن يَومِ الأَضاح

9. A glance of the eye caused sickness
A glance one day while my friend looked on.

٩. نَظرَةٌ بِالعَينِ أَدَّت سَقَماً
نَظرَةٌ يَوماً وَصَحبي بِالصِفاح

10. It caused refusal and return after
The returning one hoped to be released from me.

١٠. أَحدَثَت رَدعاً وَرَجعاً بَعدَما
طَمِعَ العائِدُ مِنّا بِالسَراح

11. I complained of love sincerely from her
The night of affliction in candid words.

١١. وَشَكَوتُ الحُبَّ مِنها صادِقاً
لَيلَةَ المَأزِمِ في قَولٍ صُراح

12. Standing, I hid my speech in the cloak
Pretending unsuccessfully to excuse myself.

١٢. واقِفَ البِرذَونِ أُخفي مَنطِقي
مُظهِراً عُذرِيَ في غَيرِ نَجاح

13. You will not lead me to abandonment, and you will not
Attain my love with effort and exertion.

١٣. لَن تَقودينِيَ بِالهَجرِ وَلَن
تُدرِكي وُدّي بِجَدٍّ وَاِطِّراح