
The companions who bid you farewell tomorrow

إن الخليط مودعوك غدا

1. The companions who bid you farewell tomorrow
Have agreed among themselves to sacrifice themselves for you

١. إِنَّ الخَليطَ مُوَدِّعوكَ غَدا
قَد أَجمَعوا مِن بَينِهِم أَفَدا

2. And if a house with them departs
It will surely perish after them completely

٢. وَأَراكَ إِن دارٌ بِهِم نَزَحَت
لا شَكَّ تَهلِكُ إِثرَهُم كَمَدا

3. You had not loved like this before them
One whose union is rare to find

٣. ما هَكَذا أَحبَبتَ قَبلَهُمُ
مِمَّن يُجَدُّ وِصالُهُ أَحَدا

4. She said to one reproaching her
So he melted what she had said in her core

٤. قالَت لِمِنصَفَةٍ تُراجِعُها
فَأَذابَ ما قَد قالَتِ الكَبِدا

5. Now he is brought to Damascus though
Damascus was not a town for our family

٥. الحَينُ ساقَ إِلى دِمِشقَ وَما
كانَت دِمِشقُ لِأَهلِنا بَلدا

6. Except for the burdens of misery upon one
Whose abode adversity had not touched

٦. إِلّا تَكاليفَ الشَقاءِ بِمَن
لَم تُمسِ مِنّا دارُهُ صَدَدا

7. Roaming, of fickle allegiance
That does not settle for a constant companion

٧. مُتَنَقِّلاً ذا مَلَّةٍ طَرِفاً
لا يَستَقيمُ لِواصِلٍ أَبَدا

8. She said to him you are rewarded so confess
When you send me your missives

٨. قالَت لِذاكَ جُزيتِ فَاِعتَرِفي
إِذ تَبعَثينَ بِكُتبِهِ البُرُدا

9. So now taste what you are rewarded with
Patience for what you came relying on

٩. فَالأَنَ ذوقي ما جُزيتِ لَهُ
صَبراً لِما قَد جِئتِ مُعتَمِدا

10. Indeed the King has refused with his power
That you know what you will gain tomorrow

١٠. إِنَّ المَليكَ أَبى بِقُدرَتِهِ
أَن تَعلَمي ما تَكسِبينَ غَدا