1. O you who reproached me and sought to abandon me
And keep away from me, though I knew not why
١. أَيُها العاتِبُ الَّذي رامَ هَجري
وَبِعادي وَما عَلِمتُ بِذاكا
2. You said I was discontent for no reason
How wrong you were! It is not so
٢. قُلتَ أَنتَ المَلولُ في غَيرِ شَيءٍ
بِئسَ ما قُلتَ لَيسَ ذاكَ كَذاكا
3. They claimed that I love another besides you
God forbid! None but you do I love
٣. زَعَموا أَنَّني بِغيرِكِ صَبٌ
جَعَلَ اللَهُ مِن أُحِبُّ فِداكا
4. If the one you reproached were given the choice
Of all mankind, he would choose none but you
٤. فَلَوَ أَنَّ الَّذي عَتَبتَ عَلَيهِ
خَيِّرُ الناسِ واحِداً ما عَداكا
5. And if he could protect you from death's grasp
He would shield you without loss to himself
٥. وَلَوِ اِسطاعَ أَن يَقيكَ المَنايا
غَيرَ غَبنٍ بِنَفسِهِ لَوَقاكا
6. And if you swore not to speak to me until
The age of Noah in his long life, I would not disobey you
٦. وَلَوَ أَقسَمتَ لا يُكَلِّمُ حَتّى
عُمرِ نوحٍ بِعَيشِهِ ما عَصاكا
7. So be pleased with me, for I ransom myself to you
By the Almighty, the Majestic - I yearn for your acceptance
٧. وَاِرضَ عَنّي جُعِلتُ أَفديكَ إِنّي
وَالعَزيزِ الجَليلِ أَهوى رِضاكا