
Why stop at a place not meant for halting,

فيم الوقوف بمنزل خلق

1. Why stop at a place not meant for halting,
Or question silent monks unable to respond?

١. فيمَ الوُقوفُ بِمَنزِلٍ خَلَقٍ
أَو ما سُؤالُ جَنادِلٍ خُرسِ

2. I spurred on my mount, questioning him:
Where has the sun come to rest?

٢. عُجتُ المَطِيَّ بِهِ أُسائِلُهُ
أَينَ اِستَقَرَّت دارَةُ الشَمسِ

3. I was amazed when he said to me:
"O friend! What is this nonsense from a human?"

٣. فَعَجِبتُ مِنها إِذ تَقولُ لَنا
يا صاحِ ما هاذي مِنَ الإِنسِ

4. Meimouna was born under auspices of fortune,
With the fortunate, not unfortunate, bird.

٤. مَيمونَةٌ وُلِدَت عَلى يُمنٍ
بِالطائِرِ المَيمونِ لا النَحسِ

5. She is beloved - favor suits her -
Her acceptance is not like one downcast.

٥. مَقبولَةٌ لَبقَ القَبولُ بِها
لَيسَ القَبولُ بِها بِذي نُكسِ

6. Radiant, glowing, a cheerful expression,
Like a parchment, she gleams from whiteness.

٦. غَرّاءُ واضِحَةٌ لَها بَشرٌ
كَالرَقِّ مُستَعِرٌ مِنَ الوَرسِ

7. She captivated my heart, so it follows her
To seclusion, if she hides, or company.

٧. زَمَّت فُؤادي فَهوَ يَتبَعُها
لِلغَورِ إِن غارَت وَلِلجَلسِ