1. They blame me for a crime I did not commit,
While others are blamed for all their misdeeds.
١. يَلومونَني في غَيرِ ذَنبٍ جَنَيتُهُ
وَغَيرِيَ في كُلِّ الَّذي كانَ أَلوَمُ
2. I trusted people you yourself trust,
Yet they spoke ill of us and fabricated tales.
٢. أَمِنتُ أُناساً أَنتُمُ تَأمَنونَهُم
فَزادوا عَلَينا في الحَديثِ وَأَوهَموا
3. They attributed to us words we never said,
Then exaggerated about us and divulged what I kept secret.
٣. وَقالَوا لَنا ما لَم نُقُل ثُمَّ أَكثَروا
عَلَينا وَباحوا بِالَّذي كُنتُ أَكتُمُ
4. Since we parted, my eyes have been sore with grief,
And their wandering has returned, so they shed tears.
٤. وَقَد كُحِلَت عَيني القَذى لِفِراقِكُم
وَعادَ لَها تَهتانُها فَهيَ تَسجُمُ
5. So do not rebuke me if you see me still love you -
I confess my sin, for I have done wrong.
٥. فَلا تَصرِميني إِن تَرَيني أُحِبُّكُم
أَبوءُ بِذَنبي إِنَّني أَنا أَظلَمُ
6. A blessing - if an ant crept on her body,
The ant's creeping on her body would seem to speak.
٦. مُنَعَّمَةٌ لَو دَبَّ ذَرٌّ بِجِسمِها
لَكادَ دَبيبُ الذَرِّ في الجِسمِ يَكلِمُ
7. Is it not enough that we are both in one town,
Yet stay apart and do not talk?
٧. أَليسَ كَثيراً أَن نَكونَ بِبَلدَةٍ
كِلانا بِها ثاوٍ وَلا نَتَكَلَّمُ