
The heart was disturbed by the separation of friends

راع الفؤاد تفرق الأحباب

1. The heart was disturbed by the separation of friends
On the day of departure, my anxieties intensified

١. راعَ الفُؤادَ تَفَرُّقُ الأَحبابِ
يَومَ الرَحيلِ فَهاجَ لي أَطرابي

2. So I remained depressed, choking back tears
That flowed freely like the beams of lightning

٢. فَظَلَلتُ مُكتَإِباً أُكَفكِفُ عَبرَةً
سَحّاً تَفيضُ كَواشِلِ الأَسرابِ

3. When they called for departure and prepared
The bundles and supplies for the journey

٣. لَمّا تَنادَوا لِلرَحيلِ وَقَرَّبوا
بُزلَ الجِمالِ لِطِيَّةٍ وَذَهابِ

4. Grief almost did away with your youth
While your face in separation from your loved ones grew sullen

٤. كادَ الأَسى يَقضي عَلَيكَ صَبابَةً
وَالوَجهُ مِنكَ لِبَينِ إِلفِكِ كابِ