
O you who speak wrongly,

أيها القائل غير الصواب

1. O you who speak wrongly,
Hold your advice and lessen your rebuke,

١. أَيُّها القائِلُ غَيرَ الصَوابِ
أَمسِكِ النُصحَ وَأَقلِل عِتابي

2. And avoid me, and know that you will be disobeyed,
And it is better for you to avoid me somewhat.

٢. وَاِجتَنِبني وَاِعلَم بِأَن سَوفَ تُعصى
وَلَخَيرٌ لَكَ بَعضُ اِجتِنابي

3. If you give advice hypocritically,
Always being drunk, far from understanding,

٣. إِن تَقُل نُصحاً فَعَن ظَهرِ غِشٍّ
دائِمِ الغِمرِ بَعيدِ الذَهابِ

4. There is no fault in me for what you said, I
Am a knowledgeable one, comprehending the answer.

٤. لَيسَ بي عِيٌّ بِما قُلتَ إِنّي
عالِمٌ أَفقَهُ رَجعَ الجَوابِ

5. The delight of my eye is its passion,
So leave the blame and leave me to what is in me.

٥. إِنَّما قُرَّةُ عَيني هَواها
فَدَعِ اللَومَ وَكِلني لِما بي

6. Do not blame me for the wine, and evening
Came, cooling drink appealed to the soul.

٦. لا تَلُمني في الرَبابِ وَأَمسَت
عَدَلَت لِلنَفسِ بَردَ الشَرابِ

7. By God, who is my Lord, truthfully
I swear, not lying.

٧. هِيَ وَاللَهِ الَّذي هُوَ رَبّي
صادِقاً أَحلِفُ غَيرَ الكِذابِ

8. The most generous people, a comfort upon us
When near them and when distant from them.

٨. أَكرَمُ الأَحياءِ طُرّاً عَلَينا
عِندَ قُربٍ مِنهُمُ وَاِغتِرابِ

9. I met her circumambulating and she turned away
When she saw my estrangement and avoidance.

٩. لَقِيَتنا في الطَوافِ وَصَدَّت
إِذ رَأَت هَجري لَها وَاِجتِنابي

10. She reproached me a moment, crying,
Then my friend strengthened her address.

١٠. عاتَبَتني ساعَةً وَهيَ تَبكي
ثُمَّ عَزَّت خُلَّتي في الخِطابِ

11. And it is enough for me as a lesson for opponents
Unlike her when my repentance was sincere.

١١. وَكَفا بي مِدرَهاً لِخُصومٍ
لَسِواها عِندَ جِدَّ تَنابي