
And while I was the eyes of sincere counsel to him

وخل كنت عين النصح منه

1. And while I was the eyes of sincere counsel to him
Whenever I looked, he was an obedient listener

١. وَخِلٍّ كُنتُ عَينَ النُصحِ مِنهُ
إِذا نَظَرَت وَمُستَمِعاً مُطيعا

2. He desired some wickedness, so I forbade it
And said to him "I see a heinous matter"

٢. أَطافَ بِغَيَّةٍ فَنَهَيتُ عَنها
وَقُلتُ لَهُ أَرى أَمراً شَنيعا

3. I wanted to guide him with all my effort, but when
He refused and disobeyed, we both arrived there

٣. أَرَدتُ رَشادَهُ جَهدي فَلَمّا
أَبى وَعَصى أَتيَناها جَميعا