1. The heart's abode is now inhabited
By one who studies verses and alters them
١. هاجَ ذا القَلبَ مَنزِلُ
دارِسُ الآيِ مُحوِلُ
2. The verse of youth has changed it
With a southern and northern wind
٢. غَيَّرَت آيَهُ الصَبا
وَجَنوبٌ وَشَمأَلُ
3. It used to be populated
By a wearied, afflicted gazelle
٣. وَلَقَد كانَ آهِلاً
فيهِ ظَبيٌ مُبَتَّلُ
4. Of good lineage, bright-eyed
Dark-eyed, kohl-lined
٤. طَيِّبُ النَشرِ واضِحٌ
أَحوَرُ العَينِ أَكحَلُ
5. So if its people have left
It is with what suited them
٥. فَلَئِن بانَ أَهلُهُ
فَبِما كانَ يُؤهَلُ
6. It has shown us joy
With which we play and jest
٦. قَد أَرانا بِغَبطَةٍ
فيهِ نَلهو وَنَجذَلُ
7. With intimate friends
As affection is shared
٧. بِجَوارٍ خَرائِدٍ
ذاكَ وَالوُدُّ يُبذَلُ
8. While my heart is entrusted
To Um Yazid, mother of Yazid
٨. إِذ فُؤادي بِزَينَبٍ
أُمِّ يَعلى مُوَكَّلُ
9. She is above us, so does not refuse
To be called on and summoned
٩. وَهيَ فينا فَلا تُبا
ليهِ تُلحى وَتَعذَلُ
10. Before the words of a slanderer
Provoke her
١٠. قَبلَ أَن يَستَفِزَّها
قَولُ واشٍ يُحَمِّلُ
11. When I sent Tuhlal
The brother of affection is the sender
١١. حينَ أَرسَلتُ ثَهلَلاً
وَأَخو الوُدِّ مُرسِلُ
12. With an apology for her anger
Hopefully Asma will accept
١٢. بِاِعتِذارٍ مِن سُخطِها
عَلَّ أَسماءَ تَقبَلُ
13. She brought me the words
I love to hear from Tuhlal
١٣. فَأَتَتني بِما هَوي
تُ مِنَ القَولِ ثَهلَلُ
14. When Zainab said, Tuhlal says
We will surely act
١٤. حينَ قالَت تَقولُ زَي
نَبُ إِنّا سَنَفعَلُ
15. I am hopeless about that
Except to make excuses
١٥. أَنا مِن ذاكَ آيِسٌ
غَيرَ أَنّي أُعَلَّلُ
16. And a brother who rouses me
Calling me, offering
١٦. وَأَخٌ يَستَحِثُّني
وَيُنادي وَيَبذُلُ
17. Whenever he says to me, set forth
I say, wait, I will do so
١٧. كُلَّما قالَ لي اِنطَلِق
قُلتُ إِربَع سَأَفعَلُ