
Tell me, my neighbor, about her

خذي حدثينا يا قريب التي بها

1. Tell me, my neighbor, about her
For whom I pine, in vain it avails me not

١. خُذي حَدِّثينا يا قُرَيبُ الَّتي بِها
أَهيمُ فَما تَجزي وَما تَتَحَوَّبُ

2. I long that she turn her abode away
And does her nearness profit me if she draws near?

٢. أُشَوَّقُ أَن تَنأى بِنائِلَةَ النَوى
وَهَل يَنفَعَنّي قُربُها لَو تَقَرَّبُ

3. If she draws near, her nearness calms my heart
As distance from her excites longing in me

٣. فَإِن تَتَقَرَّب يُسكِنِ القَلبَ قُربُها
كَما النَأيُ مِنها مُحدِثُ الشَوقِ مُنصِبُ

4. Can Umm Bishr avail me in my stance
At the palm tree on the day of parting, as my eyes pour forth tears?

٤. فَهَل تُجزِيَنّي أُمُّ بِشرٍ بِمَوقِفي
عَلى النَخلِ يَومَ البَينِ وَالعَينُ تَسكُبُ

5. For her I am a submitting peacemaker if she is at peace
An enemy to those with whom fate has enthralled her

٥. وَإِنّي لَها سِلمٌ مُسالِمُ سِلمِها
عَدُوٌّ لِمَن عادَت بِها الدَهرَ مُعجَبُ

6. The daughter of Taym denied me though I implored her
One evening as the assailants gathered fully armed

٦. أَبَيني اِبنَةَ التَيميِّ فيمَ تَبَلتِهِ
عَشِيَّةَ لَفَّ الهاجِمينَ المُحَصَّبُ

7. Take my reason or take me, do not mimic it
For within reason, not murder, lies the goal of the bowstring

٧. خُذي العَقلَ أَو مِنّي وَلا تَمثُلي بِهِ
وَفي العَقلِ دونَ القَتلِ لِلوِترِ مَطلَبُ