
The wind drags its train and spreads it

الريح تسحب أذيالا وتنشرها

1. The wind drags its train and spreads it
Oh, if only I were one of those the wind supposes

١. الريحُ تَسحَبُ أَذيالاً وَتَنشُرُها
يا لَيتَني كُنتُ مِمَّن تَحسَبُ الريحُ

2. So it would drag us, tail-like, and cast us
Upon her whom is dusty and desolate plains

٢. كَيما تَجُرَّ بِنا ذَيلاً فَتَطرَحنا
عَلى الَّتي دونَها مُغبَرَّةٌ سوحُ

3. How can I be near you or how can I have you
Alas! That is not for us anymore

٣. أَنّى بِقُربِكُمُ أَم كَيفَ لي بِكُمُ
هَيهاتَ ذَلِكَ ما أَمسَت لَنا روحُ

4. If only the one who created separation would become weak
No, if only the one who created parting would become feeble

٤. فَلَيتَ ضِعفَ الَّذي أَلقى يَكونُ بِها
بَل لَيتَ ضِعفَ الَّذي أَلقى تَباريحُ

5. One of my uncle's daughters, not far from her abode
A land of wormwood and spurge is its valley

٥. إِحدى بُنَيّاتِ عَمّى دونَ مَنزِلِها
أَرضٌ بِقيعانِها القَيصومُ وَالشيحُ