1. By my life, I made clear on the face of her sulking
The morning we met frowning and anger
١. لَعَمري لَقَد بَيَّنتُ في وَجهِ تُكتَمٍ
غَداةً تَلاقَينا التَجَهُّمَ وَالغَضَب
2. With no ill intent was I courteous to her
Yet how strange she later spoke ill of me
٢. بِلا يَدِ سَوءٍ كُنتُ أَزلَلتُ عِندَها
وَلا بِحَديثٍ نُثَّ عَنّي فَيا عَجَب
3. Truly I'm forbidden, if a slanderer says
One day something that matches or contradicts
٣. وَإِنّي لَمَصرومٌ إِذا قالَ كاشِحٌ
فَوافَقَ يَوماً بَعضُ ما قالَ أَو كَذَب
4. So let patience fill my soul or I shall die
If a rope of your ropes has come undone
٤. فَمِلآنَ يَثنِ الصَبرُ نَفسِيَ أَو تَمُت
إِذا اِنبَتَّ حَبلٌ مِن حِبالِكِ فَاِنقَضَب
5. For in the people of Mecca we've no need
Except you, even if you've cut short our connection
٥. فَما إِن لَنا في أَهلِ مَكَّةَ حاجَةٌ
سِواكِ وَإِن قَضَّيتِ مِن وَصلِنا الأَرَب
6. And say to women who envy your love for me
If any of them understands our separation has happened
٦. وَقَولي لِنِسوانٍ لَحَينَكِ في الهَوى
إِذا عَقلُ إِحداهُنَّ مِن وَصلِنا عَزَب
7. We've come to that which others before haven't come
So accept from women and men whom you love
٧. أَجِئنا الَّذي لَم يَأتِهِ الناسُ قَبلَنا
فَقَبلي مِنَ النِسوانِ وَالناسِ مَن أَحَب