1. In the early dawn, among those stirring, a beloved
Whose love-sick heart is not cured by a flowing drink
١. أَباكِرَةٌ في الظاعِنينَ رَميمُ
وَلَم يُشفَ مَتبولُ الفُؤادِ سَقيمُ
2. Or did the living soul take leave and depart, for I am
Obedient to all the prince desires and commands
٢. أَمِ اِتَّعَدَ الحَيُّ الرَواحَ فَإِنَّني
لِكُلِّ الَّذي يَنوى الأَميرُ وَجومُ
3. So they left, and it left, and continued, as if it were
A rain cloud of evening that clears and then clouds over
٣. فَراحوا وَراحَت وَاِستَمَرَّت كَأَنَّها
غَمامَةُ دَجنٍ تَنجَلي وَتَغيمُ
4. A withered, sallow, broken-spirited thing
Fed ever by joy and contentment
٤. مُبَتَّلَةٌ صَفراءُ مَهضومَةُ الحَشا
غَذاها سُرورٌ دائِمٌ وَنَعيمُ
5. She had matured, so half was branch of Bana
And half like a sandhill where bitter herbs grow
٥. قَدِ اِعتَدَلَت فَالنِصفُ مِن غُصنِ بانَةٍ
وَنِصفٌ كَثيبٌ لَبَّدَتهُ سَجومُ
6. Luxuriant, to her the noble one gave gifts
And to her the languid eye of the smooth-cheeked gazelle
٦. مُنَعَّمَةٌ أَهدى لَها الجيدَ شادِنٌ
وَأَهدَت لَها العَينَ القَتولَ بَغومُ
7. A house was abandoned for her, and the enemies
Before her were as they wished, said the spy
٧. تَراخَت بِها دارٌ وَأَصبَحَتِ العُدى
لَدَيها كَما شاؤوا وَقالَ نَمومُ
8. The beloved who said to the women neighbors
I guarantee you he will not cease wandering
٨. رَميمُ الَّتي قالَت لِجاراتِ بَيتِها
ضَمِنتُ لَكُم أَن لا يَزالُ يَهيمُ
9. I guarantee you he will remain as if
A phantom of the imagination of a strange, hostile beloved
٩. ضُمِنتُ لَكُم أَن لا يَزالَ كَأَنَّهُ
لِطَيفِ خَيالٍ مِن رَميمَ غَريمُ
10. And she said to some near relations like her
Turn aside a little, while the tears cloud over
١٠. وَقالَت لِأَترابٍ لَها شَبَهِ الدُمى
تَنَكَّبنَ شَيئاً وَالدُموعُ سُجومُ
11. And to the young men, withdraw a little, for he
Has wronged us in some matters, unjust, unfair
١١. وَلِلفِتيَةِ اِنحازوا قَليلاً فَإِنَّهُ
لَنا في أُمورٍ قَد خَلَونَ ظَلومُ
12. And she said to them, stay away for a time, perhaps
If I am blamed for what I thought best, I may be forbearing
١٢. وَقالَت لَهُنَّ اِربَعنَ شَيئاً لَعَلَّني
وَإِن لامَني في ما اِرتَأَيتُ مُليمُ
13. So she said, We think it strange for you to visit us
And your honoring our dwelling is a great thing
١٣. فَقالَت نَرى مُستَنكَراً أَن تَزورُنا
وَتَشريفُ مَمشانا إِلَيكَ عَظيمُ
14. You are privileged over us, whether you come or stay away
The house is ennobled through you, dear cousin
١٤. وَأَنتَ عَلَينا إِن نَأَيتَ وَإِن دَنَت
بِكَ الدارُ فَاِعلَم يا اِبنَ عَمِّ كَريمُ
15. So I said to her, My love and esteem for you
Is stronger than any food you censure me for
١٥. فَقُلتُ لَها وُدّي وَتَكرِمَتي لَكُم
عَلى كُلِّ ما أُصفيكِ مِنكِ طُعومُ
16. Nor did I forget what she said, though the fires
Raged in me, while the prince remains quarrelsome
١٦. وَلَم أَنسَ ما قالَت وَإِن شَطَّتِ النَوى
بِها وَأَميرٌ ما يَزالُ شَتومُ
17. In the evening we left depressed, and my company
Were spies for them, a gentle wind for them
١٧. عَشيَّةَ رُحنا مِلغَميمِ وَصُحبَتي
تَخُبُّ بِهِم عَيسٌ لَهُنَّ رَسيمُ
18. So I said to my friends, Carry out my request, for
An appointment has passed; leave me and return, O wise one
١٨. فَقُلتُ لِأَصحابي اِنفُذوا إِنَّ مَوعِداً
لَكُم مَرَّ وَليَربَع عَلَيَّ حَكيمُ